Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Monday October 28, 2019

Monday October 28, 2019

Blog time 1125 at Panera:

I got up a 0500 and emptied the dishwasher.  This is something old men do.  We sleep a couple hours then do 10 minutes of activities before going back to sleep.

Everyone got up at 0645.  The temperature was 41.  No rain today.  Nancy left at 0730.  She has a busy day scheduled with a lot of errands.

Breakfast and I left home at 0815.  Pleasant ride to the Y.  The recent heavy winds has stripped the leaves off the trees.  Visibility is greatly enhanced.  However, wet leaves on the trail creates slippery conditions.  Have to be careful.

Calisthenics and walk at Y.  As the weather gets colder I will shorten my morning bike ride and either swim or use the rowing machine at the Y.

At Panera finished blog and read news.  Will Panera every develop a sugar free bear claw?

This and that;

The impeachment hearings continue and Bob and Nancy continue to tune out.  

The US finally got the ISIS bad guy.

The California fires are getting close to Missy.  Missy said that her neighborhood does not have lawns just a lot of concrete.    No fuel for a fire.

The EU gave BRexit an extension to 31Jan20.  Why?  Someone has to draw a line in the sand.  I think the average UK citizen is probably frustrated with the clowns running their government.  Who are the most incompetent, UK pols or USA pols?

Shower and then a quick lunch.  This afternoon I ran errands.

Dropped shirts off a laundry.

Bought 100% cocoa bar at Harvest Foods.  The bars have 0 grams of sugar but still the iron I need.  Nancy said they are too bitter for her.

Picked up my Bianchi bike from Ada Bike.  With the bikes studded tire I am ready for winter.

Fixed apple snack before taking a nap.

Light dinner followed by chocolate bar and cheese/cracker snack.

After the news and Jeopardy we watched a show on Acorn.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched another episode of Goliath.


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