Friday, October 11, 2019

Thursday October 10, 2019

Thursday October 10, 2019

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Got up at 0630.  Busy day ahead.  My sister and friend are arriving about 1600 this afternoon so I have to make a trip to Costco and do some cleanup before they arrive.

Nancy headed out for her Thursday swim.  She also has some shopping to do this morning.

Temperature in low 50s with sun when I headed to the Y.  Time constraints so I took a shorter route.  

I forgot to mention yesterday that Nancy had a meeting with her heart doctor.  Her pacemaker is working fine and Nancy’s blood pressure and pulse were great.  The Doctors final words were “see you next year”.  Great news!

Got home at noon.  Quick shave and shower before heading to Costco.  I bought a freshly made chicken pot pie.  They are huge.  Also purchased a sliced cheese party pack, wine and fiber.  For a Thursday afternoon Costco was jammed.

Quick lunch and then some cleanup before the guests arrive.  My sister, Helen, was the first at 1600.  Helens two granddaughters, Paige and Molly quickly followed.  We had cheese snacks and drinks before dinner.
Nancy had dinner ready at 1800.  The six of us sat down and enjoyed the chicken pot pie, fresh coleslaw, and croissants.  For dessert we enjoyed Helen’s lemon bars and a variety of cookies that Nancy bought today.  A typical midwestern dinner.  Nancy and I enjoyed the company of Helen and her two great granddaughters.

Barb, a UCC minister in Traverse City, and friend of Helen’s arrived later.  Barb is also spending the evening.  Helen and Barb are attending a UCC Conference in Kalamazoo tomorrow and Saturday.

We spent an interesting several hours in pleasant conversation.  Yes folks, we enjoy just talking with no TV.  A Novel concept that I recommend.  

Paige and Molly left about 2100 but we continued our conversation until 2230.  All in all a very pleasant evening.

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