Thursday, October 31, 2019

Wednesday October 30, 2019

Wednesday October 30, 2019

Blog time 0945 at Panera

Today is my easy Wednesday.  Nancy said it was raining and cold.  Temp in low 30s.

Nancy headed out early for her class at MVP.  This afternoon she is working at the Gardens.

I did calisthenics (50% of normal) before getting in Escape and heading to Panera for an oatmeal breakfast.  Later I will drive to Cabella’s and Duluth Trading.

It snowed while I was at Panera.  It was not sticking.

This morning I headed west to do some shopping.  First stop was Duluth Trading.  I bought a pair of extra long cotton boxer briefs.  Great for cold days.

Next stop was Cabelas.  The place was crowded.  Most folks getting deer hunting gear.  Opening day is November 15.  I bought a pair of elk skin chopper mitts.  I have owned several pairs of these mitts.  They are warm and very durable.  Great for bike riding.

Left Cabelas and headed to Rivertown Mall.  I visited Eddie Bauer and Mountain Warehouse.  Bought a pair of lined cargo pant at Mountain Warehouse.  I have several pair and they are great for winter bike rides.
On way home I stopped at Curtis cleaners to pick up shirts.  Busy morning.

Nancy was just leaving for the Gardens when I got home.  My after lunch activities included;

Taking out trash and recyclables.

Doing a load of laundry.

Nap followed by an hour in office cleaning up.

As soon as Nancy got home I fixed our apple snack.

Light dinner followed by snacks before switching to Apple TV.  Watched an episode of Father Brown.  Not very good.  I watched a new crime show filmed in Wales.  Great scenery but the country looks poor.  Is Wales a country?

Rain and cold tonight.  In fact the weather folks say it will rain all day tomorrow.  Bummer.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Tuesday October 29, 2019

Tuesday October 29, 2019

Blog time 1145 at Panera

Up at 0645.  Nancy said it was humid and cool, 41.  She left for her swim at 0710.  Later she is taking Ms P to the Groomer.

After breakfast I put on rain pants and biked to the Y.  It was a dark gloomy 55’ ride.  Misting but no significant rain.

I usually arrive at the Y a little after 9.  On Tuesday’s most folks are taking classes.  Only a few of us individuals working out alone.

Arrived at Panera at 1015 and it was not crowded.  It is now 1155 and the lunch crowd has arrived.  Not many empty tables.

Yesterday Nancy and I spent about an hour bagging up all the potted flowers on our deck.  As soon as I get home I have to move the bags to the curb.  This is the last week the lawn folks will be working so if they don’t pick up today the bags will stay in the garage all winter.

Arrived at home at 1300.  Nancy was taking Ms P to groomer.  Shaved and showered before lunch.  Lunch and then started errands.

Stopped at Bank to get money for Kim who cleans on Friday.

Took a painting I bought at last week’s church auction to Hobby Lobby.  They are going to frame the painting for me.

Moved the yard waste bags to curb for pickup.

Nap and then fixed our apple snack.

Nancy warmed up the last of the chicken pot pie we had when my sister visited several weeks ago.  The pie was better warmed up.

Fixed our after dinner snacks.  We watched NCIS.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched another episode of Goliath.  Weird show!  

Temperatures will drop to mid 30s tonight.  Rain/snow mix tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Monday October 28, 2019

Monday October 28, 2019

Blog time 1125 at Panera:

I got up a 0500 and emptied the dishwasher.  This is something old men do.  We sleep a couple hours then do 10 minutes of activities before going back to sleep.

Everyone got up at 0645.  The temperature was 41.  No rain today.  Nancy left at 0730.  She has a busy day scheduled with a lot of errands.

Breakfast and I left home at 0815.  Pleasant ride to the Y.  The recent heavy winds has stripped the leaves off the trees.  Visibility is greatly enhanced.  However, wet leaves on the trail creates slippery conditions.  Have to be careful.

Calisthenics and walk at Y.  As the weather gets colder I will shorten my morning bike ride and either swim or use the rowing machine at the Y.

At Panera finished blog and read news.  Will Panera every develop a sugar free bear claw?

This and that;

The impeachment hearings continue and Bob and Nancy continue to tune out.  

The US finally got the ISIS bad guy.

The California fires are getting close to Missy.  Missy said that her neighborhood does not have lawns just a lot of concrete.    No fuel for a fire.

The EU gave BRexit an extension to 31Jan20.  Why?  Someone has to draw a line in the sand.  I think the average UK citizen is probably frustrated with the clowns running their government.  Who are the most incompetent, UK pols or USA pols?

Shower and then a quick lunch.  This afternoon I ran errands.

Dropped shirts off a laundry.

Bought 100% cocoa bar at Harvest Foods.  The bars have 0 grams of sugar but still the iron I need.  Nancy said they are too bitter for her.

Picked up my Bianchi bike from Ada Bike.  With the bikes studded tire I am ready for winter.

Fixed apple snack before taking a nap.

Light dinner followed by chocolate bar and cheese/cracker snack.

After the news and Jeopardy we watched a show on Acorn.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched another episode of Goliath.


Monday, October 28, 2019

Sunday October 27, 2019

Weekend update for WE 27OCT19

Saturday October 26, 2019

Blog time 2000 sitting in Den.

It was 31 when we walked to Panera.  No wind so the walk  was pleasant.  Of course we wore lined pants and heavy coats.  Panera was empty when we arrived.

Nancy started laundry when we got home.  She also wanted to make chili so I headed to Meijer’s to buy hamburger.

Later, I bundled up and biked to the Cascade Library.  Read the news and finished Friday’s blog.  Took the long route home.  Total bike miles 11.  The same as most weekdays.

After a shower and lunch we made a trip to Hobby Lobby.  I bought a painting at the recent Church auction and needed a frame.  No frame but I still like this store.

Finished the afternoon with a nap.  For dinner Nancy warmed up several pieces of Buddy’s pizza and gave me a bowl of her famous chili.  Very good.

Debbie FaceTimed us tonight.  We got caught up.  

Watched the first episode of season 2, The Kominsky Method.  I watched some of the UM/Notre Dame game before falling asleep in my easy chair.  I slept for over an hour.

Took Ms P out at 2300, light sprinkle.  Very heavy showers rolled through last night.

Sunday October 27, 2019

The rain finally stopped early this morning.  It was a mild 51 when Nancy and I went on our Sunday walk.  

We have new sidewalks in our area and one section was so heavily covered with fallen leaves we did not see the still under construction edge.  Nancy stepped off the walk into a mud hole.  She lost her shoe in the mud.  I retrieved the shoe and emptied out the mud.  We headed straight home.

Breakfast and then I headed to Panera to get coffees to take to church.   Today was Reformation Sunday.  We were told to wear red.  Both Nancy and I wore red sweaters.  Church was crowded.

We needed some Fiber One cereal so our first stop after church was CVS.  We bought 4 boxes.  They were on sale.  

Continued on to Meijer’s.  Gas today was $2.72.

Activities this afternoon;

Read sections of GRP,
Took a 2 mile walk,
Called Missy this afternoon.  Got an update on what Missy and Akerke were doing.
Short nap.
Fixed apple snack.
Read headlines on my iPad.

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  Also sausage and spinach pie.  Perfect Sunday evening meal.

We had our snacks and watched watched the news and 60 Minutes.  Switched to Prime and watched episode 2 of Goliath.  I think the show about water rights in California’s drought stricken agricultural areas is timely.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Friday October 25, 2019

Friday October 25, 2019

Blog time 1150 at Panera

Slept in until 0645 this morning.  Nancy said it was dark and cold.  I checked and the temperature was 41.  41 is not cold if you dress right.

Nancy left at 0715 for her class at MVP.  I left home at 0820.  Our recent winds have knocked a lot of leaves off the trees.  I noted this morning that the visibility into the woods along the trail has increased.  Now I can see critters in the woods.

Friday’s are a big class day at the Y.  Every class room was full.  Body pump, spinning and boot camp type classes are very popular.

Soups have replaced salads as the preferred lunch item at Panera.  Last night Veronica FaceTimed Nancy.  She explained the fund raising for Grandson Lucas’s HS Baseball team.

Veronica updated Nancy on school activities for Lucas and Alessandra.  Lucas was just invited to a Sadie Hawkin’s dance.  Good grief I thought Sadie Hawkin’s dances were a product of the 50s.  I remember being invited to one in 54.  The girl’s name was Karen Knapp.

Good to hear that Steve took Lucas to buy him a suit. This is a Father’s job.  I took Steve to get his first suit.

Snow predicted for next week.  So this afternoon I took my backup bike, the Bianchi, to the Ada Bike Store to get the steel studded tires put on.

For dinner tonight we headed to a new pizza restaurant, Buddy’s Pizza.  The place was crowded.  Several friends said the pizza was good.  We agree.

Started watching Midsomer Murders last night.  I fell asleep about 10 minutes in.  Tonight we finished watching the show.   

Freeze warnings are up for tonight.  It was 39 when I turned the lights off.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Thursday October 24,, 2019

Thursday October 24, 2019

Blog time noon at Panera

Back to normal today, no repairman or meetings,  slept in until 0640.  Nancy said it was a cool 42 but no wind so my ride will be ok.

Nancy left at 0715 for her Thursday swim at MVP.  She is having lunch with her friend Kathi.

Sun did not come up until 0805 today so I took a leisurely breakfast.  Put a new rear light on the bike before heading out.  With no wind the ride was pleasant this morning.  Modern winter clothing is warm and light.

The local news folks keeps warning people to watch out for deer during twilight hours.   This morning I encountered a recently hit deer along the side of the road.  Seems like part of my daily ride.

This and that:

Civil unrest is breaking out all over the Globe, Hong Kong, Lebanon, Spain, Ecuador and Bolivia to name a few.  

Whenever Impeachment news come on TV, Nancy and I switch channels.

Many Presidential candidates are proposing eliminating student dept.  Why, what happened to personal responsibility?  Parents and Grandparents save for years so their offspring have a chance at college.  Their contributions along with the student’s money saved from jobs lessens the costs.  Being self reliant is the American way.

The hole in the Ozone Layer over the Arctic is the smallest in years.  I think this is good news?

Our President’s impulsive actions in the Middle East are a major mistake.

At home I quickly showered and got ready to go to Costco.  Nancy called and said she had just finished lunch.  She wanted to go with me to Costco, so could I wait.  Of course.  Ate lunch while waiting for Nancy to get home.

Thursday afternoon is the best time to shop at Costco.  We were in and out in 20 minutes.

Today I cleared our deck of all movable furniture.  Put covers over the glider and table.  We are now ready for cold weather.

Found time for a nap.  Finished the afternoon with an apple snack.

Nancy had lunch today a Rose’s in EGR.  She brought home half a turkey/cranberry sandwich which I had for dinner along with a tamale.  

It being Thursday we watched a just released episode of Doc Martin.  Doc Martin is the best.  Low 40s expected tonight.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Wednesday October 23, 2019

Wednesday Tuesday October 23, 2019

Blog time 1730 sitting in downstairs office.

Up with the 0515 alarm.  Dressed for Breakfast Club.  The temperature was 42 so for the first time this year I wore my wool pea coat.  The sun does not come up until 0804 so the drive downtown was in complete darkness.  Traffic was heavy.

Good turnout this morning.  The speaker was a Kent County Commissioner who talked about the problems with locking up folks with mental health issues before their trials.  Most of the prisoners cannot afford a cash bond so they are put in jail.  Locking up potentially innocent folks is a problem.  Good presentation.

Stopped at the Y on the way home.  Calisthenics at 50% but I did walk a mile.  Headed straight home after the Y.  Changed clothes and gathered up the trash.  Also read some news on my iPad.

Before I left this morning I turned on my laptop and started downloading the new operating system.  I checked when I got home and the system was downloaded.  It appears the laptop and iPads operating systems now have a lot in common.

I took a short easy bike ride (6 mi).  Stopped at Meijer’s for Pinconning soft cheese, chocolate bars and snack size bread.

This afternoon Nancy is working at the Gardens.  After lunch I did a load of laundry before a nap.  

Spent time in office reading the news and starting blog.  Nancy got home at 1700.  She said the gardens was busy.  Finished the afternoon with our apple snack.

We had a light dinner.  Watched news/Jeopardy ate our after dinner snack before switching to Acorn.  Started watching an episode of Midsomer Murders.  I fell asleep 10 minutes in.  I woke up when Debbie FaceTimed us.  

First time we talked to Debbie in several weeks.  Spent time catching up.  Debbie was driving home from work.  It takes her 40 minutes to drive 12 miles.

Watched some of the World Series before turning in.  The big cool down is now underway.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Tuesday October 22, 2019

Tuesday October 22, 2019

Blog time 1230, sitting in home office

Set alarm for 0615 so I can get my morning activities done before the Window Washers come at 1000.

It was dark, cool (49), with a light drizzle when I headed out.  This morning I added another light to the handlebars, which makes biking safer.  Took the shorter five mile route to the Y.

Same calisthenics and walk that I do Tuesdays.  The Y manager did make an effort to talk to me this morning.  Yesterday, I filled out an online questionnaire.  I complained about the Y not having a dedicated chin up bar.  She pointed out several machines that had chin up capabilities.  I appreciated her quick response to my concerns.

Arrived at Panera at 0930 had a coffee, baguette and started reading.  Called Nancy at 1000. The window washers had not arrived.  

Because Nancy has lunch with friends and later training at the Gardens and I have a 1330 Doctor’s appointment we want the washers to do the inside windows first while I am home.

It was raining when I left Panera at 1015.  The window washers arrived and said because of the rain we should reschedule.  Sounded good to us.  They will return Nov 4.

Showered and shaved before a quick lunch.  At 1300 I headed to Dr Mary Yurko’s office.  Dr Mary has been my dermatologist for over 10 years.  I think she is very competent.

I was given a full body inspection.  Dr Yurko found several spots that required liquid nitrogen.

My recent bike magazine had an article on the need for bike racers to shave their legs to lessen the impact of a bad fall.  I checked and found I have no leg hair or for that matter arm hair.  I asked Dr Yurko and she said losing body hair is all part of aging.  I did not know that.

At home I took a short nap.  Nancy got home at 1600 and we had our apple snack.

Nancy said the lunch with her Meijer’s coworkers was fun.  She said the training session was all about responding to an active shooter.  

Nancy fixed me clam chowder for dinner.  She was not hungry because of a big lunch so she just had a hard boiled egg with toast.

After the news and Jeopardy we switched to Prime TV.  Watched the final episode of a Ruth Rendell Mysteries series.  I fell asleep half way through the show.

Breakfast club tomorrow so I headed to bed with Nancy at 2200.  A cooling trend will set in tomorrow.  No more 60 degree days.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Monday October 21, 2019

Monday October 21, 2019

Blog time 1130 sitting in downstairs office

Today I was up at 0500.  We have the carpet cleaners coming around 0800.  I want to get an early swim in before 0800.

Left home before 0600 and biked to the Y.  It was dark so I had all my bike lights on.  Took the short route.  I was surprised at how busy the Y was at 0615.  Only one lane in the 8 lane pool was empty.  I took it.  I swam 1,000 yds in 32’.  My app said my average heart rate was 140.  I find this hard to believe.  

It was still dark when I left the Y.  Got home at 0745.  I had a quick breakfast.  Nancy got home from MVP at 0930.  I made a quick trip to Panera to get coffee for Nancy and Bob.  The carpet folks arrived about 1000.  

It took about 90 minutes to clean the carpet.  We have to wait 24 hours before putting the furniture back.

While the carpet was being cleaned Nancy and I spent time in the office.  We both finished work that we have been putting off.  Very productive for both of us.

We were told to wear protective covers over our shoes while the carpet dries.  The carpet should be dry in about 24 hours.  
The carpet was wet to the touch.  We had to set up a special place for Ms P.  We did not want her on the wet carpet.  The cleaning solutions might have chemicals that could be harmful to a small dog.

Took a short walk before lunch.  Temperature was in the mid 50s.  Lunch and then a nap.  Finished the afternoon with our apple snack.

Normal Monday Cheerios dinner with a croissant.  After dishes I fixed Nancy her cheese/cracker snack.  I had a dark chocolate snack.

Tonight we watched two episodes of the Ruth Rendell Mysteries on Prime.  Good story.  

Monday, October 21, 2019

Sunday October 20, 2019

Weekend Update for WE 20OCT19

Blog started on Sunday at 1700 sitting in office.

Saturday morning Oct 19,  we left home at 0730 for our walk to Panera.  We were over dressed.  The temperature was in the low 50s compared to yesterdays 32.

Sunrise today is at 0800.  Bright sun is predicted.

Panera was nearly empty when we arrived.  I had my oatmeal breakfast.  Nancy had a coffee.

Sun was up when we left Panera.  At home Nancy started the laundry and I removed our front screen and put in the glass one.  This is a chore I hate.  The retainer strip that holds the glass in is difficult to install.  I have to watch a video on You Tube to get it right.

On today’s bike ride I headed to Ada.  Stopped at the bike shop to ask a technical question.  The place was so crowded that I did not have the opportunity.

My route to Ada takes me over the wooden covered bridge over the Thornapple River.  Both times I crossed the bridge photographer were taking wedding pictures.  Perfect spot for photos especially with the fall colors.

Nancy was informed today that Brenna will not be able to house sit.  On my way home from Ada I stopped at the Vet’s office I booked a room for Ms P.  I feel good about leaving her at the Vet’s because all the girls know Petunia.

Shower and lunch before some office work.  I did find time for a nap and to prepare our apple snack.  

Nancy cooked pork chops in the crock pot for dinner.  We also had baked potatoes and peas.  Good meal.

This evening watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  I also stayed up and watched the end of the first half of the UM/PSU game.  Ungood!

Sunday October 20, 2019

This morning we took our early Sunday morning walk.  It was dark but the weather folks say it will be warm and sunny later.

After changing clothes I headed to Panera for a coffee to take with me to Trinity Lutheran.  As we headed out for church my I-watch let me know that it was an 11 minute drive to church.  Too much data!

Trinity Lutheran has three services each Sunday.  Total attendance each Sunday is near 400.  Today was no different.

At Meijer’s gas was $2.74.  We bought yogurt, bananas, radishes, and two 90% coco bars for me.
At home we started moving upstairs furniture.  Tomorrow carpet cleaners are coming to clean our upstairs carpet.  We don’t have move the heavy furniture but small tables, lights and other light items we moved out of the way.

I took another walk before lunch.  Lunch and then a nap.  I did watch some of the Lions game.  Grim.

Fixed our apple snack before dinner.  Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  Also spinach pie, sausage and croissants.  Very good.

We watched a new show on Prime.  We were not impressed.  Can’t even remember the name of the show.  Temps were in 50s when took Ms P out for the final time.


Sunday, October 20, 2019

Friday October 18, 2019

Friday October 18, 2019

Blog time 1200 at Panera

First time this season that the temperature reached 32.  I hope this freeze killed all the nuisance bugs.  Nancy was gone by 0715.  Breakfast and then I headed out at 0820.  Bundled up and even put on my chopper mitts.  

The ground was frost covered.  Bright sunshine should rapidly warm us up.  In fact it has. It is now noon and the temp is a pleasant 50.

Kim is cleaning today.  This evening we are having dinner with the Moleski’s at Charley’s Bar.

This and that:

Blast from past:  

On October 28, 1955 after AHS’s football game with Owosso, we won.  With my friends, Tom Cassell and Lee Powley we loaded up our shotguns and drove to Gladwin.  Gladwin is a corn growing area noted for it good Pheasant Hunting.  We were staying with Lee’s Grandmother on her farm.

On Saturday after a great farm breakfast we started hunting.  We encountered a lot of pheasants but only Tom and Lee shot one.  That night Lee’s Grandmother cleaned and cooked the birds.  It was a great meal.  I especially remember the hot sauce that Grandmother Powley made.  Delicious!  Of course she also made a great pumpkin pie.  Great memory.

Is President Trump’s staff imploding?  POTUS’s decision to pull out of Syria and having next year’s G7 meeting at his resort were classic bone head decisions.

How about the all female space walk!  In my time in the military I never met a female aviator.  Times have changed.

Talking about Females making the news how about a shout out for Ellen DeGeneres.  Her friendly encounter with former President Bush was inspiring.  It shows you can be nice to folks even if you do not agree with their politics.  Good example Ms DeGeneres.

I really don’t know what a Bomb Cyclone is but I hope I never encounter one.

Do Grade School kids still read the Weekly Reader?

Does the military still publish “Stars and Stripes”?  In Vietnam it was treasured because it had comics and USA sports.

Kim was still cleaning when I got home at 1300.  Nancy asked Kim about the availability of her daughter to house sit.  Does not look good.

Ate lunch before showering.  Spent time in office before a nap and apple snack.

At 1715 we headed to Charley’s Bar to meet the Moleski’s for dinner.  We got there early which was good because we got the last booth.  The place was jammed!

Tom had the smelt basket and I had a walleye sandwich.  Both Linda and Nancy had sandwiches.  The food is good at Charley’s.  Great evening!

Watched Wycliffe on Acorn before turning in.  Warm up expected for this weekend.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Thursday October 17, 2019

Thursday October 17, 2019

Blog time 1220 at Panera.

Got up at 0645.  Nancy said it was cold, low 40s.  Swim day for Nancy. 

After breakfast I headed out.  I stopped during the ride to take a photo of several trees in full fall bloom. Encountered no critters during my 7 mile ride.

Calisthenics and walk before heading to Panera.  Lately Panera has been empty when I arrive.  Maybe all the old regulars have headed south.

This and that; 

Monday was Columbus Day. I forgot that it was a Federal Holiday so no mail.  Checked today and found out Columbus Day has been a Federal Holiday since 1937.  Several states have changed the name of the Holiday from Columbus Day to Indigenous People’s Day.  I hope the Feds don’t change the name.

What would happen if POTUS didn’t tweet for a week?  The news folks would probably go bonkers!

When was the last time you ate Swiss steak or Spanish rice?  My mother fixed tuna noodle goo for dinner.  Very good.

Looks like the E.U. and UK have reached an agreement on BRexit.  Now the hard part, Parliament must approve.  The UK Parliament is more bitterly divided than our congress.

I did not get home until almost 1330.  Shower and quick lunch before heading down to the office.  Spent several hours cleaning my desk.  Our travel agent called this afternoon and we confirmed our flight status for our trip to Ca.

Fixed our apple snack before taking a nap.  Light dinner then fixed Nancy her cheese/cracker snack and I had several squares of dark chocolate.

On Thursdays a new episode of Doc Martin is released.  We watched.  As always it was great.  I stayed up and watched a new show on Netflix.  Frost warnings up for tonight.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Wednesday October 16, 2019

Wednesday October 16, 2019

Blog time 1120 on Thursday at Panera.

Wednesday my easy day, up at 0630.  Nancy said it was cold with temperature in high 30s.

Today I changed my normal schedule.  I decided to go swimming.  I checked the pool schedule and found I  have to get to the Y by 0730 to get a lane.

Dressed in my winter bike clothes, headed out at 0715.  It was pitch black and drizzling so I turned all the bike lights on.  Took the shortest route to the Y, 1.7 miles.  Stayed on sidewalks most of the way.  Found out that the built in front light on the Cannondale does not work well.

There were three empty lanes out when I arrived.  Ten minutes after I started the pool was full.  Good timing!

I turned my Apple Watch to the swim function.  I swam for 30 minutes.  Checked my watch and it said I swam 950 yards, 475 yds breaststroke and 475 yards freestyle which was correct.  However, the watch said my average heartbeat was 130 which I thought was high.  I did not feel stressed during my swim.  If true, swimming would be a great aerobic exercise for me.  For comparison I checked this morning’s 7 mile bike ride and my avg heartbeat was 104.

At Panera I had an oatmeal breakfast.  Finished yesterday’s blog and read some headlines.  Left early because this afternoon I am taking the Taurus in for an oil change.

Nancy is working at the gardens this afternoon.  She took the Escape.  Unlike Tuesday the oil change lanes were empty so they started work immediately.  Walked around the showroom and looked at the new pickups and SUVs.  All the vehicles cost over $30,000.  Major league sticker shock.  There were no sedans on display.  Apparently folks are not buying sedans.

At home I had a quick lunch and started Wednesday chores.  Trash, recyclables were taken out and I did a load of laundry.  Found time for a nap.

Nancy was home early from the Garden’s.  It was such a dreary day no one showed up.

Left home at 1715 and headed to Red’s at Thousand Oaks   Golf Course.  We had dinner with Bill and Carol Masten and Doug and Cathy Vance.  Red’s has great food.  I had the perch dinner.  We spend several hours in pleasant conversation.

At home we watched the season’s final episode for “Line of Duty”.  Got a midnight alert from Channel 8 for a possible frost.  Woke me up. Will delete app in morning.