Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Tuesday October 30, 2018

Tuesday October 30, 2018

Blog time 1120 at Panera

Sleepless nights continue, up at 0400 and did my chin ups for the day before going back to bed.  For the second straight day Ms P woke me at 0630.  We headed outside so she could do her bidness.  I am glad she woke me.  Better outside than in.

Sunrise today is at 0815.  I can’t wait until DST ends this weekend.  I left home today at 0800 and had all my lights blazing.  I prefer daylight for my ride.

Temperature when I started was 38 but no wind so the ride was pleasant.  Saw no critters today.  They must be in hiding?

Calisthenics and a walk at the Y.  Yesterday I stopped doing the stretches that the PT tech had me do.  I think the stretches make my hip pain worse.  Time will tell.

This and that

In the 50s folks raked their leaves into gutter and either burned them or waited for the city to pick them up.  Alpena had a number of horse chestnut trees.  We would throw the nuts into the fire to listen to the nuts explode.  Great fun!  Leaf burning was banned in the 70s.  What do you do with the chestnuts now?

POTUS is wrong; all folks born in the USA should be given citizenship, it is written in the constitution.  No way he can rescind this rule by Executive Order.

Ain’t technology great, gave the lab a sample yesterday morning and yesterday afternoon I read the results on my online portal.  Amazing!

The stock market goes down and then up, etc.  Is anyone paying attention?

Nancy  visited the foot doctor and he said she must wear the boot for another two weeks.  I guess the toe is healing slower than expected.

Quick lunch and then I walked to Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim who cleans on Friday.  Spent some time in office checking financials.  

Called our Wells Fargo Advisor and asked some questions about education plans for Grandkids and other family funding issues.  Bottom line no action at this time.

Nancy thinks our dryer vent is plugged.  I called several contractors if they could solve our problem.  So far no luck.

Late in the afternoon I sliced up an apple for a snack.  Later I fixed us a cider/whiskey drink.   

Nancy used her Instant Pot to make pea soup.  This was her first effort using the Instant Pot for soup.  I thought it was ok but Nancy says she will have to fine tune her procedure.

After dispersing our cheese snacks I took a short walk.  It was pitch black and I got mad at myself for not taking a flashlight.

Watched NCIS and Bull before turning in.  It was raining when I took Ms P out at 2200.  


Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Monday October 29, 2018

Monday October 29, 2018

Blog time 1050 at Panera

On a normal night I usually get up at least two times.  This morning at 0200 I emptied the dishwasher.  I think this type of nocturnal activity is normal for old guys.

It was 41 and pitch black when I first went out at 0630.  It will be a gloomy day with temps only in the high 40s.  This time of year we have a lot of gloomy days.  A camera flash will go off at noon on a gloomy fall day. 

This morning I had to retake one of my annual physical’s lab tests.  I did my exercise routine at home and then headed to the lab.  I was in and out of the lab in 10 minutes.

At home I put on my bike clothes and headed to Panera for breakfast.  I had an oatmeal breakfast.  I will take a seven mile ride after Panera.

This and that;

The shooting in the Pittsburgh Synagogue and the mailing of pipe bombs are terrible acts.  A sure sign that extreme hatred is just below the surface.  POTUS certainly has not been a unifying factor.  

A lot of stories on WW I.  The war ended 100 years ago in November, 1918.  The same year, my favorite aunt, Helen Hughes Woodley graduated from UM.  The first but not last of our family to attend UM.

Brazil has a new President.  He is a conservative.  Will he be able to overcome the powerful entrenched unions and the corrupt National Petroleum Company and it’s contractors?

Angela Merkel the German Chancellor is stepping down after her term expires in 2021.  Will this announcement put her in Lame Duck territory? The immigration crisis was a major part in her downfall.

At home a shower and then lunch.  After I made a quick trip to Costco.  I had to replenish my wine supply.  While in Gaylord this summer my sister introduced me to this great red wine whose name escapes me.  It starts with an A.  A lot of folks must agree with me because Costco just started stocking it.

This evening Nancy is attending a Volunteer’s Appreciation Dinner at the Gardens.  We had our apple snack early.  I also took my walk before dinner.

I had a light dinner.  Watched both NBC and PBS news.  Nancy got home about 2000.  She said it was a nice dinner.  A sign of the times;  Nancy had a menu choice between Cod and Cauliflower Steak.  The food police control.  What is wrong with good beef?

We watched an episode of Tunnel before turning in.  Temps will drop to low 30s tonight.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Sunday October 28, 2018

Weekend Update for WE ending October 28, 2018

Blog started 1230 Saturday sitting in living room,

I really slept in today.  Nancy woke me some time after 0700 and asked how to turn house alarm off.  I complied.

40 degrees and light rain this morning.  We drove to Panera.  I had my oatmeal breakfast and Nancy only had a cup of coffee.

After Panera we stopped at home to pick up Ms P.  This morning we are running errands.  Our first stop was Duluth Trading in Grandville.  Bought a pair of extra long briefs.  They are great on cold days.  Next stop Cabela’s to look for Pea Coat.  No luck.

Nancy has been looking for a chair table for the living room.  We stopped at Pier 1  near Cabella.  No luck so we headed north to Alpine Ave to a bigger Pier 1.  We found a suitable table.

At home Nancy started the laundry and I took a seven mile bike ride.  Today I rode around a subdivision called Cascade Lakes.  I pass it every day and it looked upscale.  It was.  Big beautiful homes on large lots.  

Watched some football and spent some time cleaning my desk.  For dinner Nancy fixed stuff chicken breasts with a potato and peas.  Good meal for a dreary fall evening.

Debbie FaceTimed us tonight.  We spent some time catching up.  We watched an episode of Endeavour before heading to bed.

Sunday October 28, 2018

Up with alarm at 0615.  Had to hustle to get my walk around the block in before the rain.  I just made it.  

We left home at 0845 in a pouring rain for Trinity Lutheran.  Today after six months of renovation we had the Rejoice Service in the renovated Celebration Hall.  Many nice improvements and they had a huge crowd for the opening.  Coffee and donuts were also served.

Today was Reformation Sunday so we all wore red.  Great Homily today.

From the times have really changed files.  Today at the back of Celebration Hall flu shots were offered.  Trinity is truly a full service church.

It was still raining when we got to Meijer’s.  Gas was $2.79 per gallon.  After unloading the car, I did some calisthenics and stretches.  

Just before lunch we had a heavy hail storm.  The sidewalk was white.

Read several sections of the GRP before my nap.  After the nap we bagged up all our deck’s potted plants.  Tomorrow the Township will pick up yard waste.  We ran out of yard waste bags so I made a quick trip to Ace.  I finished my outdoor activities with a 1.5 mile walk.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for dinner.  I had mine with waffles.   Dishes and then fixed Nancy her cheese snack.  This evening watched 60 Minutes, finished reading the GRP before switching to Netflix.  We watched an episode of the Bodyguard.

Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  We got caught up with the activities of Missy and Akerke.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Friday October 26, 2018

Friday October 26, 2018
Blog time 1105 at Panera

It was 40 with no wind when first went out at 0700.  Good weather for a bike ride.

Nancy and I have several items on our agenda today.  At 1420 we take Ms P to the Vet.  This evening we are going to new exhibit at the GR Art Museum.  Some time today I want to stop by Jos Banks and look at their Pea Coats.

This morning I selected the hilly route to the Y.  It is shorter than the 7 mile ride but I think the hills compensate for the shorter distance.

The leaves are falling and in several locations they obliterate the trail.  I have trouble staying on the pavement.

This and that;

From ENR, the new Mexican President wants citizens to vote on whether to continuing construction on a multi billion dollar airport.  The airport is 33% complete.  I think this is a bad move.  The President was elected to make tough decisions.  Having a referendum is a cop out.

I hate Halloween.  

China creates two new billionaires each week.

Is it old age or are the Vice Presidents just insignificant.  I had trouble remembering recent VPs.

Every American citizen should be angry about the recent violent attacks against our citizens.  Whether is is the pipe bombing or shooting of GOP representatives at baseball practice.

As soon as I got home from Panera, I got in the Escape and headed to Jos Banks to check out their Pea Coats.  The Pea Coats were not like the US Navy issue.  I did not buy.

Quick lunch and then we grabbed Ms P and headed to Vet.  First the good news she is 2 pounds lighter from two weeks ago.  The Doc took a blood sample and said her kidney function has decreased considerably from her last test.  We decided to decrease some medications and monitor her condition.

Took a nap and had a light dinner.  At 1830 we headed downtown to the GR Art Museum.  A new Sports Photography exhibit opened today.  Good crowd in attendance.  Both Nancy and I liked the exhibit.

We got home at 2100.  No time for Netflix so we watched the World Series.  Good thing we did not watch the entire game because it went 18 innings.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Thursday October 25, 2018

Thursday October 25, 2018

Blog time 1120 at Panera 

Ms P woke me at 0500.  I took her outside, the temperature was 28.  Returned to bed and finally woke at 0700.  As they say on the Sports shows Nancy is still on injured reserve list.

After breakfast I head out.  Despite being below freezing the ride was pleasant because of the lack of wind.  Of course having ten pounds of clothes on didn’t hurt.  

We are close to full color.  We have had several freezing mornings but I have not seen any thin ice layers on ponds or small lakes. Probably because the ground has not yet cooled off enough.

Talked to several men at the Y regarding the current state of the country.  They all told me they just don’t watch the news anymore.  I don’t know if this is good.  An informed public is important to country’s health.

This afternoon Nancy and Mary Namey are going to a movie.  After they will stop by and pick me up for dinner.  We have not yet selected a restaurant.

Before lunch I spent some time getting our deck furniture ready for winter.  Put the cover over our glider.  Placed the dining table on it side and slid it against a brick wall where it will be protected from west wind and most snow.  Do folks living in warm climates do seasonal chores?

Showered and then lunch.  Spent some time online looking for a wool pea coat.  Jos Banks had one that looked good.  Called the store in Breton Village and they have one in my size.  I will stop by tomorrow.  

I took a short nap.  An afternoon nap seems to become a permanent afternoon fixture.  I don’t know if a nap is good for me but I do enjoy it.  I think I sleep sounder.

Nancy and Mary stopped by at 1820.  Ms P got so excited that she had a seizure.  We will have to talk to the Vet tomorrow about her seizures.

We had dinner at Panera.  We all had their soup which is always great.  Nancy said Lady GaGa was in the movie.  Both Nancy and Mary said she was great.

This evening we watched a new Netflix show called The Bodyguard.  I liked it but Nancy said she will reserve judgement until the second episode.  I also watched several minutes of the football game before turning in.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Wednesday October 24, 2018

Wednesday October 24, 2018

Blog time 1110 at Panera

Breakfast Club Wednesday so I get up with the alarm at 0515.  The temperature was a cold 29.  Drove to BC in total darkness.  No daylight until after 0800.

Good crowd at BC today.  A lot of talk about the UM/MSU game.  BC is about 50/50.  

Today’s speaker is the new Communications Director for Kent County.  Good grief! a Communications Director for conservative Kent County.  When I worked for KC the Board would have thought this position was a waste of money.  Times have changed.  Actually, she gave a good talk.

I drove straight home.  Put on my bike riding clothes, including my new Merrill duck boots, and headed out.  First stop Panera.

Finished yesterday’s blog and then started my routine reading.  Started with emails, Alpena News, Apple News including the Telegram and finally the WSJ.  The Saudi Murder of reporter, mail bombs, and election dominates.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.  I did the Wednesday chores, trash, laundry and a nap.  Nancy said the Gardens was not very busy.  

Fixed our late afternoon apple snack and our cider/whiskey cocktail.  Light dinner followed by walk and cheese snack.  Tonight we watched DCI Banks.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched episode 1 of season 5 of Rake.  Love this show.  Frost tonight.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Tuesday October 23, 2018

Tuesday October 23, 2018

Blog time 1115 at Panera

Perfect full moon last night, I think it is called a Hunter’s Moon.  Clear and cold this morning. Temperature was 41.

After breakfast I headed out into bright sun.  I forgot my sunglasses so riding east was difficult.  Recent heavy winds have removed leaves from the hardwoods.  The loss of leaves makes visibility much better in heavily wooded areas.  Much easier to spot deer, turkeys and other critters.  The down side is I take my eyes off the bike path.

I read the papers today and found nothing that I want to comment on.  Actually I have strong opinions on most current events but think I am losing my objectivity.  Time to cool off.  Maybe resume comments after elections.

After lunch today Nancy and I headed to the Tanger’s Outlet Mall.  I needed some cold weather gear.  I bought lined khakis at J. Crew and rubber duck boots at Merrill.  Almost bought a wool pea coat at Brooks Brothers but they did not have my size.  Spent most of this month’s SS check.  Actually, nobody gets a check anymore it is all direct deposit.  Electronic banking is great.  I seldom ever use cash.

After our trip to the mall, I fixed our apple snack.  Later fixed a predinner ginger cider and whiskey drink.

Today Nancy made her homemade chili.  We had it for dinner and it was great.

Prepared cheese snacks and took a walk before settling down.  Read GRP, digital version, and watched NCIS and Bull.  Temperature tonight will plunge to 20s.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Monday October 22, 2018

Monday October 22, 2018

Blog time 1055 at Panera

I was out of bed at 0630 this morning.  It was 33 degrees when first went out.  Sunrise is at 0805 today.

Today Nancy is having lunch with Meijer’s coworkers.  Later she has her first post operation visit with the foot doctor.

Today I got out my winter mitts for the bike ride.  It was only 33 when I left home but no wind so I was comfortable on the 7 mile ride to the Y.

News from construction world

Giant Swedish engineer/contractor is pulling out of the US Construction market.  Most foreign construction firms have trouble in the US market.  They don’t understand the rules and get eaten alive.

The Japanese maker of earthquake shock absorbers admits falsifying test data.  This is serious in earthquake prone Japan.

It was 20 degrees warmer than earlier this morning when I left Panera.  I am now over dressed.

Shower, lunch and then I ran some errands.  First stop was Gazelle Sports.  I am looking for a warm high visibility jacket and warm rubber boots.  I think the boots are called Duck Boots.  No luck.  

Next I stopped at Costco.  If you time it right sometimes you can get good bargains at Costco.  Several years ago I bought a pair of Duck Boots for a great price.  Today they had no Duck Boots.  Bummer.

This afternoon I spent several hours checking up on our finances.  With computers this task is easy.  However, I am always worried about computer hackers.  Every day I read horror stories about folks losing their savings.  Will I see in my lifetime the end to computer theft?  I doubt it.

Nancy got a good report from her foot doctor.  The foot is healing well.  She still cannot exercise for several weeks.

This and that;

Recently I posted about high school football season in the 50s ending the second week in November.  Part of the reason was not to interfere with Deer Season which started Nov 15.

The line of immigrants heading to the USA is unsettling.  Is this really spontaneous?  I don’t know the best way to solve this problem.

Some stores have Christmas items for sale.  Much, much too early.

The King of Saudi Arabia probably should fire his son.  The killing of the news reporter was not only wrong but stupid.  POTUS has to strongly condemn the killing.

I am not a big fan of Turkey’s Erdogan.  I think he is enjoying embarrassing Saudi Arabia.  Erdogan is not a fan of free speech.

We had a light dinner.  After my normal post dinner activities, we settled down and watched an episode of DCI Banks.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched The Tudors.  Talk about intrigue, back biting and downright meanness the Brits wrote the book.  No wonder our ancestors headed to North America.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Sunday October 21, 2018

Sunday October 21, 2018

Weekend Update;

Blog time 1715 Sunday sitting in office;

Saturday October 20, 2018

Because of her foot surgery Nancy cannot walk to Panera.  Instead I biked to Panera.  I had my normal oatmeal breakfast.  After breakfast I filled Nancy’s Travel cup up with hazelnut coffee and pedaled home.  

Nancy had already started the laundry.  I dropped her coffee off and continued on my bike ride.  Today I rode 12 miles.  Another great fall day.  Blue skies and bright sun.  It was hard to believe that the weather folks said a snow/rain mix was headed our way.  

Boy the weather folks were right.  No sooner than I got home it started to hail.  Our back deck was covered with hail.  We also had thunderstorms.  Ms P went bonkers.

After lunch I settled down to watch the UM/MSU ball game.  Surprise! the game was delayed for over an hour because of lightning.  The game was played in East Lansing.  Spectators had to leave the stadium.  I knew several folks who attended the game.  The weather delay sure put a damper on what should have been a great outing.

Of course after the game resumed UM showed it mastery over MSU.  About time.  MSU has dominated the series in recent years.

Growing up the annual MSU/UM game was a big deal in the Scott household.  My mother was an avid UM alum and fan.  My dad went to MSU.  All week leading up to the game my parents would make all sorts of wagers on the game.  Dad would do dishes for a week, etc.  It was all in good fun.  However, my dad was a much better loser than mother.  My mother thought the only true university in Michigan was UM.

We left home at 1730 and headed to Bonefish Grill for dinner.  We had dinner with the Horling’s, Karen and Hal.  We all had the scallops and shrimp.  Great food.  We spent several hour in conversation.  A very pleasant evening.

At home we FaceTimed with Debbie.  After our talk with Debbie, Nancy headed to bed and I watched some of the OSU/Purdue game.

Sunday October 21, 2018

The alarm goes off at 0615.  Dressed and headed out on a walk around the block.  Nancy foot prevented her from going.

Breakfast and then I headed to Panera to get us our morning coffee.  Read several sections of the GRP before heading out at 0845 for Trinity Lutheran. Good crowd at church. Today the Homily was given my a ELCU seminary student.  He talked about the church’s missionary efforts and philosophy regarding these efforts.  It was interesting.  Great to see that the church has lost it strict top down management.  Listening and being a partner is a great role.

We stopped at Meijer’s on our way home.  Gas was $2.79 per gallon.

I performed some light calisthenics and stretches before lunch.  Lunch was followed by a nap.

My bike rides on Sunday’s usually are just a quiet ride on the neighborhood streets.  Today at end of a short street two big deer were standing in the middle of the street.  They took off before I could get my camera out.

Today before Nancy and I had a Fall cocktail.  The drink consisted of ginger cider with a shot of ginger flavored whiskey.  We both enjoyed it.

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  I had mine with a slice of spinach pie.  After dinner, fixed Nancy her cheese snack before a short walk.  Finished the GRP, watched 60 Minutes and an episode of Scott & Bailey before turning in.  Temps will drop to low 30s tonight.

This day, October 21, in 1938.  From Ossineke my Great Grandfather Sanborn wrote;

It was a Friday he and GGM Sanborn drove to Alpena.  GGF got his hair cut and then went to Bank to pay $10 on his note.  Wow $10 on a bank loan.  Of course in 1938 we were in the Great Depression.

They took Aunt Laura some squash from the garden.  They had dinner in Alpena and did not get home until 2000.  It rained all day.