Saturday, June 30, 2018

Friday June 29, 2018

Friday June 29, 2018

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Another cloudless night.  The moonlight was streaming through the slider all night.  It was 71 when first went out.  Not a cloud in the sky.  Nothing but blue.

Nancy headed to her class at MVP.  First time this week that Nancy has a free schedule.  After breakfast I biked to the Y.  It was warm so I only wore a long sleeve tee.  First time this year wearing only a single layer.  Felt good.

I am trying to increase my walking speed for a mile.  My goal is 20’. This morning I timed myself walking around the Y’s track.  To reach my goal I have to walk the .2 mile track in 4’.  I need work.

Panera has a new bread called Country Rustic.  It is a sourdough type bread with no sugar.  Very tasty.  I had a slice this morning.

This and that;

Pwc a big accounting firm with 18,000 employees is eliminating land lines for employees.  They will all use cell phones.  My the world has changed.  The concept of cell phones was unheard of in my youth.

Big election in Mexico Sunday.  The left wing candidate is a huge favorite.  His election might complicate NAFTA negotiations.

It was in mid 80s when I left Panera.  First thing I did at home was turn on the AC.  Showered and then had lunch.  Nancy and I made a quick trip to Costco for supplies.  Costco was nearly empty.

This evening we are having dinner with the Moleski’s at the Mill Creek Inn in Comstock Park.  It was 95 when we left home.   The restaurant was crowded.  Nancy and Linda had sandwiches but Tom and I had the perch dinner.  The perch was great.

When we got home the temp had dropped to mid 80s so I took my evening walk.  We watched another episode of the Australian spy show whose name I cannot remember.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched The Tudors.  The heat will continues for several more days. 

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