Friday, June 8, 2018

Thursday June 7, 2018

Thursday June 7, 2018

Blog time 1055 at Panera

Today we have 15h 15’ of daylight.  Love these long days.  Sun and temps in low 80s today.

Nancy headed out early for her Thursday swim at MVP.  She also has a morning appointment to have her pacemaker checked out.

 I did my stretches before breakfast.  After breakfast I hopped on the bike and headed to the Y.    Construction on my favorite route forced me to make a change.  Today’s route was slightly shorter but had several killer hills.  I prefer less hills.

Panera was crowded today especially with high school kids.  I think today is an exam day and the kids have the afternoon off.

POTUS’s meeting in Canada with G7 leaders is dominating the news.  It looks like the other G7 members are going to take the president to task for his trade policies.  I am a free trader but will admit when the USA imposes a 10% tariff on imported cars and the EU charges 25% on imported USA cars that some correction should be made.

What is causing the illness to USA diplomats living in Cuba and China?  No answer yet but some are saying that the electronic listening devices used by the commies is the cause.

Left Panera at noon.  At home took a quick shower and then lunch.  I am due for an oil change so I headed to Fox Ford.  They were backed up.  The wait was over three hours so I headed home.  I did stop at Sam’s Club to buy a tub of Pinconning soft cheese.

We tried to take Ms P on a walk but she refused despite efforts by Bob and Nancy.  I took a short walk before a nap.

Nancy fixed me a chicken sandwich and bowl of soup for dinner.  We sat on the deck and enjoyed the warm weather.

I took a short walk after dinner.  No Netflix tonight because we lost our internet this afternoon.  I unplugged and then plugged in all the power chords to our router and other box.  Called my computer guru and he said the problem was with ATT.  I call ATT and they said there was a network problem and they were working on it.   The internet was back on at 2100.

Critter report; this afternoon we saw a ground hog and opossum in our yard.  We also have several wild turkeys living in the back yard.

No internet so we had to watch TV.  We watched the hockey game.  I am still amazed at the great TV coverage of the games.  This first time I saw hockey on TV was in the late 50s.  I think they used one camera and it was in the rafters.  The picture was dark and blurry.  A very positive change.  Geordie Howe and stars from the past were great athletes but I think today’s players are better skaters.  I still have problems playing hockey in the desert in June.

It was warm today, 80s.  Our condo was 79 when we turned in but decided no AC.  Good move, I hate AC and think it is unhealthy.

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