Friday, June 29, 2018

Thursday June 28, 2018

Thursday June 28, 2018

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Last night we had a very orange full moon.  I can’t remember what it is called but it was spectacular.

Woke up to sun streaming through the slider.  It was a pleasant 60 when first went out.  However, the weather folks are saying we are starting a record heat wave today.  High temps will be near or above 90 for the next week.

Opened the downstairs slider shades this morning and 10 feet away a deer was staring at me.  We had eye contact for almost a minute before she took off.  Great start to the morning.

Lately one of the hardest things for me to do is stand on one foot for a count of 60.  Is it age?

Nancy headed out early for her Thursday swim.  This afternoon she is again working at the Gardens.

After breakfast I pedaled to the Y.  On these great summer mornings I encounter many walkers.  Today I saw a large group of high school kids out for a run.  There were about 20 runners.  I assumed they were on a cross country team.

I did my normal exercises at the Y.  I have been doing weekday exercises for 65 years.  It was built into my work day routine but lately I have been experiencing some burnout.

This and that from the morning news;

POTUS and Putin are meeting in Helsinki in mid July.  Nothing wrong with talking to your adversary.

I think the EU’s immigration problem is worse than ours.  It could fracture the organization.

Will Elon Musk ever solve his Tesla production problems?  They have never made a profit but their stock has not tanked.

Nancy had already left for the Gardens when I got home.  Showered and then a quick lunch before starting afternoon chores.  First order of business was to order a merino wool long sleeve tee.  I have several merino tees and they are great winter or summer under a shirt.

Started the rental car process by calling my auto insurer to see if my policy covers the cost when a rental unit is out of service because of an accident.  Next drove to Bed Bath & Beyond and bought a UM mug that has etched lines denoting ounces.

At Gazelle Sport I bought a pair of supper duper sweat wicking socks.  Stopped at Play It Again Sports but did not purchase anything.

I am now sitting in my office working on this blog.  The outside temp is a humid 86 but the office is pleasant.

Blog resumes Friday at Panera;  for dinner Thursday night we headed to Brann’s.  I had a bowl of lobster bisque but Nancy’s favorite chicken sandwich was taken off the menu so she got a beef and pork sandwich.  This was not a good replacement.  We rated the meal a B-.  Nancy had a frozen margarita and I had a glass of wine.   

At home I took a walk around the block.  Sun, 84, with a cloudless sky.  

At 1830 turned on the AC to cool down the house.  After our cheese and apple snack we watched an episode of Midsomer Murder.  At 2200 turned off the AC.  The temp inside 74 equaled the temp outside.

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