Thursday, June 21, 2018

Wednesday June 20, 2018

Wednesday June 20, 2018, 1 day until Summer Solstice

Blog time 1700 sitting in living room.

Breakfast Club Wednesday so I get up with the alarm, 0515.  Got dressed and headed out for University Club in downtown GR.  Did stop at Panera for a coffee to take with me.  The freeway surprisingly was crowded at 0630 this morning.  I usually take a short walk before the meeting.  I like to see the progress on a new multi story building at the corner of Pearl and Ottawa.  Downtown has changed since I had my office in the McKay Tower.  For the better I would say.

We had a great speaker this morning.  He is a developer who transformed the old Zondervan building at the corner of Lake Drive and Robinson Road.  The building originally was built as a five story concrete storage building.  The architect designed similar buildings throughout the Country.  Each building has a unique feature.  The Zondervan  building is designated a historical building.  The renovated building now has nice apartments on the upper levels and a restaurant on the main floor.  The building is near the old Kava House Coffee Shop that I visited nearly every day.  I thought it was an eyesore.  No more, they have done a great job.

After BC I stopped at the the Fulton Street Market and bought 2 pounds of rhubarb.   Nancy makes a great rhubarb sauce.

Stopped at home and changed into my bike clothes.  Took the short route to the Y.  I did my stretches and some mild calisthenics before heading home.  The weather was sunny with temps in low 70s.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.  I did my normal Wednesday chores, laundry and trash.  Lunch and then a short nap.

This evening we are attending the Annual meeting of our condo association, The Meadows.  We had an early light dinner and then at 1815 headed to Noto’s for the 1830 meeting.  

The meeting was well attended.  Roll was taken because a quorum was needed to conduct business.  It was a normal business meeting.  Approval of minutes from last meeting, report by officers, and election of new officers.  

The units are repainted every six years.  Some folks want more color selections especially for trim.  This was the major discussion item.  Some folks also wanted more tree planted but it was not a big issue.  The meeting adjourned at 2000 with everyone in a good mood.

At home we watched an episode of Goliath before turning in.  The nice weather continues through tomorrow. 

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