Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Tuesday June 12, 2018

Tuesday June 12, 2018

Blog time 1150 sitting at Panera

On these long days both Nancy and I are up by 0630.  I think it is the bright sun and singing birds.  Nancy headed out for her Tuesday swim and after breakfast I biked to the Y via my 7.7 mile route.  

The noise level in the Y has increased since summer camp has started.  I think at least 100 kids are enrolled.  They have broken the group into about 6 classes with two instructors in each class.  They seem to be having fun.

What % of folks under 30 have a tattoo? I bet at least 65%.

I have commented in the past about the number of tall young men and women I see.  I wonder what is the statistical average size of this generation?  I know that for my generation I am a statistical average male.  145 pounds, 5’8”, size 9 shoe and 40 suit.

POTUS should take note of Mr Rogers three rules, be kind, be kind, be kind.  Good rules to live by.

The CEO of Twitter was blasted because he bought a chicken sandwich at Chick-Fil-A.  The owner of this restaurant is a religious man who believes marriage is between and man and women.  They are even closed on Sundays.  Who are these folks who want to tell us where to eat?  What happened to freedom of speech and religion.  I think I will stop for a sandwich tomorrow.

Nancy worked in the Courtyard yesterday pruning several shrubs.  I helped fill a yard waste bag and put it at the curb.  The small courtyard is ours to do what we want.  It looks nice because all the flowers Nancy planted are in bloom.

Spent some time in the office reading mail and updating the computer.  I did find time for a nap.

We took Ms P on the nature walk yesterday.  I took a walk around the block after dinner.

Nancy cooked in the crockpot a pork, lemon, onion meal with rice.  It was very good.

This evening we watched a rerun of NCIS.  After Nancy headed to bed and I watched another episode of Border Town.

The temp was still in the 70s when I headed to bed.  90s later this week.

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