Thursday, June 14, 2018

Wednesday June 13, 2018

Wednesday June 13, 2018

Blog time 1000 at Panera.

Today is my easy Wednesday.  I did some light exercises at home and then biked to Panera for an oatmeal breakfast.  Sunny and warm today.  Temp will reach low 80s.

After breakfast I will take a short ride.  I might stop at Meijer’s and buy a lottery ticket.  I always buy a ticket on the 13th.  I won a Jeep in a drawing with number 13.

Nancy works at the Gardens this afternoon.  She is dropping Ms P at the groomer at 1100 and I will pick her up at 1400.

Panera is busy I noted several business meetings and seven women are having a Book Club meeting.  It is a popular meeting place.

After breakfast I headed to Ada Bike via Ada Drive.  I was going to buy some padded bike short liners but no luck.  I did have the mechanic change my bike pedals.  I have experimented with several different styles but now I am back to original.  Total bike miles today is 15.

Showered, quick lunch and then started doing laundry and being Wednesday take out trash and recyclables.  At 1330 I headed to the groomer to pick up Ms P.  Quick stop at Meijer’s for a lottery ticket but the line was too long.  

The groomer did a good job on Ms P.  She has her short summer cut.

At home finished chores and then a quick nap.  Nancy got home at 1700 and asked me to fill up the Taurus.  I complied.  Gas was $2.95 and I put 15 gallons in, a new record.  Stopped at D&W on way home and bought a lottery ticket.

We had a light dinner.  I took a walk around the block before settling down.  Tonight we watched episode 1 of season 8 of Inspector Lewis.  Big surprise this season the show is only 45 minutes.  Previous the show was twice as long, 90’.  

Nancy headed to bed and I watched another episode of Bordertown.  I like this show.  The sunny and warm weather continues tomorrow.

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