Monday, June 25, 2018

Sunday June 24, 2018

Weekend Update for week ending Sunday June 24

Blog time 1630 Sunday sitting in office

Saturday June 23

We are up early, 0615, dress and walk to Panera.  One of first customers in place and they had the AC on full blast.  We sat by fireplace that fortunately was working.

Rain possible for most of the day.  Temp will be cool, low 70s if we are lucky.

I have my standard oatmeal breakfast.  Nancy who does not start eating until 1530 just had a coffee.  She sits and watches me eat.

At home I just had time for a 30’ bike ride around the neighborhood.  At 1030 we headed out to the Eastown Neighborhood in GR.  We attended their annual Bizarre Bazaar.  A portion of Wealthy Street was closed.  Eastown has changed since I had my office there.  New apartments and restaurants have been built.  

The Bazaar was well attended.  Nancy and I were out of place because we lacked tattoos or multiple facial piercings.  We did not buy anything but it was a great people watching experience.

We left the Bazaar about noon and drove to the Bravo Restaurant at Knapp’s Corner.  We attended the 80th birthday party for Nancy’s fellow Book Club member Judith Colyer.  Judith also taught with Nancy at Westwood Middle.

The event was well attended.  We met family, book club members, church members and fellow teachers.  Compared to the Bizarre Bazaar we felt right at home.  Not a visible tattoo.  

The event was planned as a Surprise and it certainly was.  Judith was completely taken aback.  The Italian food served by Bravo was excellent.  Both Nancy and I had a great time.  

We got home about 1600.  I had time for a nap.  We were still full from the food at Judith’s party that we had a very light dinner.

I took a walk after dinner.  Debbie FaceTimed us and we spent some time catching up.  Debbie attended a neighbor’s Estate Sale and bought some great wood antiques.  She was very happy.

We watched an episode of The Heart Guy before turning in.

Sunday June 24:  up with the alarm, 0615, hooked up Ms P and took a walk around the block.  It is 1.25 miles around the block.  The weather was cloudy and cool, mid 60s.  We did encounter some light sprinkles.

At 0840 we headed to Trinity Lutheran for their 0915 service.  Once again the church was crowded.  Trinity Lutheran is undergoing a major remodeling and this Sunday will be our last in the Celebration room.  For the next three months our service will be held in the Sanctuary.  I sure hope they let me drink coffee.

After church we headed to Meijer’s for gas and supplies.  Gas was $2.90 today.  Nancy bought snacks for AJ when she visits in July.  After Meijer’s we stopped at Gordon Foods to purchase some small ice cream cup,  not unlike the Dixie Cups of my youth.  Next we stopped at Walmart for sugar free oatmeal cookies and Triscuits.

Lunch and then spent some time reading the GRP.  I also took my Sunday nap.  It is now 1700 and I plan on a short bike ride around the neighborhood.

Tonight Nancy is fixing her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  I will finish the Irish Soda bread.

I did take a 30 minute bike ride before dinner.  The eggs as always were great.  After the dishes I took a walk around the block.

Finished reading the GRP and watched an episode of Inspector Lewis.  Nancy headed to bed but I stayed up and watched Frontier.  

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