Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Monday June 18, 2018

Monday June 18, 2018; three days before the summer solstice

Blog time 1130 at Panera

This morning was the warmest of the year.  It was 81 and humid when I first went out.  The heat wave will end today.  Thunder showers later this afternoon.

Nancy headed to MVP.  After breakfast, toast with peanut butter, I headed to the Y.  Because of road construction I had to take the hilly route to the Y.  I was drenched in sweat when I arrived.  The Y has some great summer classes for kids.  They were playing tennis, kick ball, basketball and taking swimming lessons.  Healthy activities for the kids.

This and that from Apple News;

It looks like cooler heads will prevail in Congress.  A bill to prevent separation of immigrant children from parents might pass.  It should pass.

Happy time in Mexico after defeat of Germany in World Cup.

Apple News had a good explanation of “Block Chains”.

Germany’s Merkel is in trouble over her liberal immigration policy.  Trump is in trouble over his strict immigration policy.  Go figure!

A major library in Portugal has many old and valuable books.  The library is home to many bats, yes bats.  The bats serve an important function by eating bugs that destroy old books.  Being nocturnal they do not disturb visitors.

The temp and humidity were both near 90 when I headed home.  Showered, had lunch and then Nancy and I headed to Costco for supplies.  We purchased Cheerios, peanut butter, fiber and eye drops.  

At 1530 I headed to Dr. Sprik’s Office.  The Doc has been handling my sinus infection problems.  Actually my sinus problem is confined to my left side.  It is complicated by my past shingles infection in my left eye which caused nerve damaged to my forehead.  Because of this damage I have no warning of an impending infection.  We discussed my options and decided on the do nothing option for now.  I agreed.

I highly recommend for all folks who have had chicken pox to get a shingles shot.  Shingles won’t kill you but can make your life miserable.

I found time for a nap.  Light dinner tonight.  It was raining after dinner but I decided I needed a walk.  Put on the raincoat and walked a mile.

We had our cheese and apple snack before watching TV.  Watched an episode of Goliath and then Kimmy Schmidt.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched Bordertown.  It was raining when I went to bed.  Cooler weather ahead.

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