Friday, June 22, 2018

Thursday June 21, 2018

Thursday June 21, 2018

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Yes folks today is the SUMMER SOLSTICE, 15h21’ of daylight.  The longest day of the year.  The down side to this solstice is the days will start getting shorter.  I experience some melancholy knowing this fact.  

Edinburgh, Scotland has 17h35’ of daylight but the temp seldom gets to 70.  Too cool for me.  Maybe that is why my ancestors left for Canada.

I woke up with the sun.  The temp was 59 and it was sunny.  Nancy headed to her swim.  Later she will get some inserts made for shoes and then have lunch with friends.

This and that;

Will BRexit ever happen?  Everyone appears to be stalling.

The New Zealand PM is the first world leader to take maternity leave.  The world sure has changed since my youth?

As a world class eavesdropper I think most folks have given up talking politics?  The media and PONTUS should take a vacation.

Old folks might be in trouble if we don’t get more young folks working and paying into SS and Medicare.  25 of every 100 folks in the USA are over 65, much too high.  We are an aging country.

Some discussions of merging the Labor and Education Departments.  I think it is a good idea.  In fact why not eliminate the Education Department?  Education is a local government responsibility.

After lunch we headed to Breton Village.  Nancy visited Talbots and I looked around Orvis and Fitzgerald’s.  We did not purchase anything.

I paid some bills and checked email in the office before a nap.  For dinner we drove to Shepard’s Grill.  Nancy had their navy bean soup and I had a burger.  Good food.
At home I took my evening walk.  We watched an episode of Midsomer Murder before turning in.  Cool and cloudy for tomorrow.


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