Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Monday June 25, 2018

Monday June 25, 2018

Blog time 1100 at Panera 

It was sunny but cool, 58, when first went out this morning.  The weather folks say we will reach mid 70s this afternoon.

Nancy headed out to her morning exercise class at MVP.  After breakfast I biked to the Y.  Today I took the hilly route because I did not want the hassle on negotiating around the Spaulding Ave construction.

This is the second week of the Y’s Summer Camp.  The kids seem to have gotten the routine down pat.  

This and that:

Even if student loans are forgiven the students must pay the IRS.

Since every one is playing nice with North Korea a rail line between South Korea and Russia is proposed.  The line would pass through North Korea.  I think this is a great idea.  

Speaking of trains I have on my bucket list a train ride from Vladivostok to Moscow.  I want to take the trip in February.

Since I am talking Russia, POTUS is proposing a meeting with Putin.  Good idea?

After lunch I had planned on doing some shopping.  However, our TV in the living room was not working so I thought a quick call to Direct TV would solve my problem.  WRONG!  After finally getting a real person I spent 90 minutes plugging and unplugging chords on all four TVs before getting the TVs to work.  What does a single working mom do when she has this problem?

At 1615 Nancy and I got in the Escape and headed to Meijer’s Garden.  We are working the concert tonight.  The concert has been sold out for months.  The “Old Crow Medicine Snow” is the featured act.  Country-western type music.

My job was to sell rental chairs and Nancy had to show folks where to put their chairs.  We worked from 1645 to 1930.  

Nancy had packed a picnic so after our shift we had sandwiches and watched the show.  I had never heard of the group but they were great. They had folks jumping and clapping.  I so enjoyed the show I bought a CD.  Perfect summer evening for viewing a concert.  Warm with a setting sun.  At my age in cherish these opportunity.

No TV tonight.  We headed to bed as soon as we got home.

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