Saturday, June 23, 2018

Friday June 22, 2018

Friday June 22, 2018

Blog time 1110 at Panera.

It was cloudy and 58 when first went out this morning.  In fact high temp today is forecast to be only 71.  No rain until Saturday.

Even though I am retired sure am glad when it is Friday.  Saturday and Sunday are always relaxing days.

Pumped up the bike tires and headed to the Y.  I took the hilly route.  I sure will be glad when the road work on Spaulding is complete.  I am tired of climbing hills.  

I usually end my exercises at the Y with walking two laps around the track, 0.4 miles.  Until last year my walking pace was about 19’ per mile.  It is now 23’.  Is the slowdown because of age?

This and that;

What is it with middle age men having ponytails and tattoos?

In my early teens and through HS I would spent every June and most of July working on my Grandfather’s farm.  My Grandfather and Uncle needed help getting in the hay.  My jobs included driving tractor, cutting and raking the hay.  My Uncle would chop the raked hay and blow it into a trailer.  We had two trailers.  I would take a full trailer and empty it into a trench silo and then head back and exchange the empty one for a full one.  I would have to hustle because my Uncle did not want to wait.  Time was important.  We were always trying to stay ahead of the rain.

In the evenings my Grandfather and I would play horse shoes or take the shotgun out and shoot clay pigeons.  On some evenings my Grandfather and I would drive down to Dillinger’s General Store, the only store in Hubbard Lake, MI.  Grandfather would buy some supplies for Grandmother.  That was the excuse but Grandfather really wanted to talk baseball with Mr Dillinger.  Grandfather was a big Tigers fan.  Every once in a while they let me ask a question, like why can’t George Kell hit with men on base.  Grandfather would buy me an ice cream drum stick.  Great memories!

Speaking of baseball, Grandson Lucas is having a good season.  Last week he hit three HR’s in two days.

Researchers have discovered that a 100 year old TB vaccine can eliminate the daily insulin shots for T1D sufferers.

The Supreme Court said law enforcement cannot track your movement using your cell phone without a warrant.  Great news.  In China and Russia law enforcement always know where you are and what you text on your cell.  No privacy in these Police States.

Did not leave Panera until 1230.  Quick lunch and then I helped Nancy bag some yard waste she cut up this morning.  I also did a load of laundry.  My last errand was to bike to Macatawa Bank to make a deposit.

Nancy fixed tamales and rice for dinner tonight.  We watched an episode of Hinterland before turning in.

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