Sunday, June 3, 2018

Friday June 1, 2018

Friday June 1, 2018

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Yes folks it is Friday again!  As the song goes, “slow down you are going too fast, got to make the morning last”.  It is another great Spring day, sun with temps in the 70s.  PERFECT

Nancy tried to start her car this morning and no luck.  I tried and determined the starter was shot.  Nancy took the Escape.

The sinus infection still persists.  Decided to lighten up on exercises.  Bike route to Y was the 5 mile vs 7.5.  Saw a lot of school buses today so school is still in session.  I think the school year ends next week.

The wonders of the cell phone.  Sitting in Panera sipping coffee I called our auto insurance agent and arranged for a tow truck to pick up the Taurus.  Twenty five years ago I would waste a lot of time calling tow trucks, etc from a pay phone.  Of course pre-cell phone I did not have a contacts list so I had to use a phone book.  Do you think most folks under 30 have ever used a pay phone or even a phone book?

Left Panera early today so I would be home when the tow truck arrives.  I had just enough time to shower, change clothes and eat a snack before the tow truck arrived.  The operator tried to start the Taurus with no luck.  He said it was a bad battery.  He gave the Taurus a quick charge and it fired right up.

I have resumed writing the blog while sitting in the waiting room at Fox Ford.  They estimated my wait would be about two hours.

I walked around the lot looking at small sedans.  Ford is getting out of the small car business so they have several nice Focus sedans for less than $20,000.  I think that is a great deal.  Duke, a great salesman, almost had me convinced to trade in the Taurus.  Ten years ago I would have jumped at the offer.  However, being wiser, I think maybe I should pass this by Nancy.  If she were to approve I would drive the Focus and She would drive the Escape.

Nancy had a 1300 appointment with the folks who make shoe inserts.  After, we planned on going to Costco.  She just called and I told her to go alone it will be an hour before the Taurus is fixed.

This evening we met the Moleskis at Charlie’s Bar and Grill on Plainfield.  This is about the only restaurant in town that has smelt on the menu.  We spent a pleasant two hours eating, drinking and chatting.

At home we watched the final episode of Save.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched an episode of Better Call Saul.  Good show.


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