Friday, June 15, 2018

Thursday June 14, 2018

Thursday June 14, 2018

Blog time 1050 at Panera

Another bright sunny day.  Early morning temp was 59 but will climb to mid 80 later.  Nancy headed out for her Thursday swim at MVP.  After breakfast I biked to the Y.  No wildlife spotted on today’s ride.

Today is Flag Day it commemorates the adoption of the flag of the USA by congress on June 14, 1777.  Today is also National Bourbon Day and the birthday of President Trump.

Did you know the Double-crested Cormorant is becoming a threat to the fish population in the Great Lakes?  A US House committee had a meeting in Alpena to get info on this problem.  Have you seen a Cormorant lately?

Election and other news:

California voters will get chance to vote on splitting the state into three states.  This will never pass?

Maine has a weird method for voting in primaries.  You rank each candidate.  So if four candidates are running you assign a number 1-4 to each candidate.  What is wrong with “he with the most votes wins”.

A recent study has shown that Antarctica is losing ice at a greater rate than originally predicted.

Being a politician in Mexico is not for the faint hearted.  Over 100 pols have been shot this year.

At home I showered and had a quick lunch.  The company that will install my bike rack on the Escape has a first come first serve policy.  They said mid afternoon was best time.  So I headed to “Hitches by George” and was told that they were booked up for the afternoon.  I will try again early Monday.

On way home I stopped and got the Escape washed.  Also stopped at Bill and Paul’s and purchased a pair of pants.  I like the light weight synthetic fabric khaki pants.  The are water and stain resistant.  Great for travel.

Why a pair of pants?  Just looked up why we say a pair of pants when they are only one item.  I Googled this question and got an answer.  

The temp was in the 80s when I got home.  At this temperature my downstairs office is the most comfortable place in the condo.  I spent several hours writing emails, paying bills and updating my computers.  

Nancy has Book Club tonight, so I am meeting Tom Moleski at Uccellos.  Left home at 1630.  First time I have seen Uccellos so empty.  Tom had a pizza and I had spaghetti with meat sauce.  I have never had bad food at Uccellos.

Got home at 1830 and took a walk around the block.  Tonight we watched Call the MidWifes and a 30’ comedy on Netflix.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched Bordertown.

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