Monday, June 18, 2018

Sunday June 17, 2018

Weekend Update for week ending Sunday June 17, 2018

Blog time 1530 Sunday sitting in office with AC running.

We have gone many summers where the temperature has not once reached 90 degrees.  Both Saturday and Sunday of this weekend the temp has reached 90.  I think we have had about 7 above 90 days so far this summer.  Global warming?

Saturday June 16:  I set the alarm for 0600 because this morning I have to be at Trinity Lutheran at 0830 for a work bee.  The church is being remodeled so furniture has to be move to accommodate this work.

Nancy’s foot pain continued last night. She chose to stay home for breakfast.  I drove to Panera.  I was the first customer at 0620.  Ordered my usual oatmeal breakfast.  Panera was uncomfortable because they had the AC on full blast.  I froze.  I did have time to finish Friday’s blog.

Arrived at Trinity at 0830 and already about 14 volunteers had arrived.  I had more coffee and a bagel.  Lutherans like to eat before and after work.  It is a Northern European thing.

The work bee was suppose to be from 9 to 12.  We started at 0900.  Our main job was to empty several rooms of their furniture and move it to a huge storage pod outside.  The younger men moved the heavy desks and cabinets while us older folks moved chairs and boxes of office supplies.  It started to rain hard but with the heat the rain felt good.  We started at 0900 and were done by 1030.  As the saying goes “many hands make light work”.

Headed straight home.  Nancy was just finishing the laundry.  Not much laundry in this warm weather, no socks and only one outer layer vs three in colder weather. 

I spent some time on my ipad reading and checking accounts.  Also watched Iceland tie Argentina and Denmark beat Peru in World Cup play.  

The warm weather and rain kept me inside most of the day.  I did take a mile walk so I could continue my 30 minutes outside streak.  Showered and took a short nap to finish the afternoon.

At 1730 we headed to Red’s restaurant located at the Thousand Oaks Golf Course.  We met the Horlings for dinner and drinks.  Nancy had a chicken sandwich, Hal had the sea bass and Karen and I had the fried perch.  We both loved the perch.  We all gave the restaurant an A.  A very pleasant summer’s evening.

At home Debbie FaceTimed us and we got caught up on what was happening in San Jose.  No TV tonight.

Sunday June 17, 2018

The alarm went off at 0615, we dressed, hooked up Ms P and took a pleasant walk around the block.  It was sunny and a warm 71, great conditions for a nice walk.  We encountered no vehicles on our walk.  

Nancy showered while I did my stretches and some mild calisthenics before my shower.  At 0840 we headed to Trinity Lutheran for their 0915 Celebration service.  Once again the church was packed.  I think the informal Celebration service is more popular than the traditional service in the Sanctuary for young families and us old folks.

After church we headed to Meijer’s for gas and supplies.  Gas was $3.07 today.  Nancy bought a lot of supplies today.  We are stocking up for Missy and AJ’s visit and also for Brenna who will house sit while we are in Gaylord and later California.

At home I took a short walk before lunch.  Read several sections in the GRP and then had lunch followed by a short nap.  Finished the afternoon working in the office.  I wrote my annual checks to the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation and the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation.  

Nancy is fixing me a chicken sandwich and spinach pie for dinner.  If it cools off I will take a walk.  The chicken sandwich was great as was the spinach pie.  After the dishes I did take a walk. I mailed my contributions to JDRF and MG.  

Today is Father’s Day and all three of our kids FaceTimed me today.  I alway enjoy face time with the kids.

We watched and episode of Inspector Lewis and The Heart Guy before turning in.  It had cooled off enough so I turned off the AC.  The heat and humidity continues through tomorrow.  In fact it was significantly warmer in GR today than in CA.  A rare event indeed!

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