Thursday, June 7, 2018

Wednesday June 6, 2018

Wednesday June 6, 2018

Blog time 1330 sitting in living room.

Breakfast Club Wednesday, The sun was up when I headed out.  Stopped at Panera for coffee to take with me.  The ride downtown is easy because at 0630 no traffic on I 196 and daylight.

About 24 members were in attendance.  Speaker talked about a Mi referendum dealing with determining congressional districts every 10 years.  The supporters want to eliminate gerrymandering.  It was a good talk but I am not sure a citizen’s committee could do a better job.  It is on the November ballot.

After BC I stopped at the Farmer’s Market on Fulton.  I bought rhubarb.  Nancy makes the best rhubarb sauce.

Randy arrived about 1030 and put the first coat of paint on the downstairs bathroom repair job.  He put the final coat on several hours later.  Good job!

I did my Wednesday chores, laundry and trash before lunch. I also took a nap.  Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.

Today is D-Day.  On this day in 1944 the USA and Allies invaded Nazi held France.  It was the largest amphibious Landing ever.  It was a success.  Ten months later the Nazi surrendered.  I was six at the time of the landing.    I did not know anyone who took part in the first wave but do know several who took part in the 2nd and 3rd wave.

For exercise today I did my stretches and reduced calisthenics at home.  Took a 30 minute bike ride.  I also took two one mile walks.  One before dinner and one after dinner.  On the last walk I mailed the Grandkids my monthly note.

After a light dinner we watched an episode on “Inspector Lewis”.  The great weather continues tomorrow.

I overheard some folks this morning talking about movie prices when they were a kid.  We lived near downtown so my mother let me walk to the Lyric theater.  For kids under 12 the cost was $0.12 after 12 the cost went up to $0.25.  This was for a double feature.  Great way to spend a rainy or snowy Saturday afternoon.

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