Monday, June 11, 2018

Sunday June 10, 2018

Saturday June 9, 2019

Blog time 1425, sitting in office;

We had heavy showers roll through last night.  This morning when I checked it appeared the rain had stopped but the forecast said more rain.  We decided to drive to Panera.  Good choice because it started to pour as soon as we sat down.

It is Saturday so Nancy started the laundry and I ran errands.  I stopped at the Ford dealer for an oil change but they were backed up several hours.  I said see you Monday.  Stopped at Trader Joe’s and bought a baguette, dozen eggs and a bottle of wine.  We will take the wine tomorrow to Moleski’s.  We are having brunch at their place.

Did you know that in June 1938 Superman comic book debuts.  In November 1938 Al Capp the creator of comic strip Lil Abner creates Sadie Hawkins Day.  Every year my high school would have a Sadie Hawkins dance.  The girls invited the boys.  I went to several Sadie Hawkins dances.

Weekend Update resumes at 1030, Monday at Panera.  I just hope I can remember what I did.

The rain curtailed by Saturday outdoor activities.  I did get my 30 minutes in by taking a walk.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  I had mine with a spinach pie and some rhubarb sauce.  Love rhubarb sauce.

Saturday night so Debbie FaceTimed us.  We spent some time catching up.  Nancy and I watched a new 30” comedy on Netflix before turning in.

Sunday May 10 the alarm goes off at 0615.  We quickly dress and hook up Ms P and take a walk around the block.  It is a 1.25 mile walk.  

Nancy showered and got dressed.  I had a quick breakfast before dressing.   At 0845 we headed out to Trinity Lutheran for their 0915 service.  Again the church was jammed.  In fact several folks had to stand.  Another great Homily by Pastor Bob dealing with families healing rifts.
After church we headed to Trader Joe’s to purchase a bottle of wine to take to Moleski’s this afternoon.  I bought one earlier but mistakenly opened it.  Nobody said I was smart.

Stopped at Meijer’s for gas and weekly supplies.  At home I did my stretches and some calisthenics before lunch.  Lunch and then a short nap.  

We left for Moleski’s at 1530.  Six folks attended the brunch.  It was too cold to sit on their deck so we moved inside.  Tom Moleski grilled steaks and white fish.  Good meal.  

At home Missy and AJ FaceTimed us.  Akerke just finished her school year so she was happy.   Missy and Akerke will visit us in early July.  

We watched an episode of “The Heart Guy” on Acorn before turning in.  Nice sunny day predicted for tomorrow.

The G7 meeting in Canada dominated the news.  I think most USA citizens are embarrassed by the uncivil antics of our President.  PONTUS did not even stay to finish the meeting.  

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