Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Tuesday June 19, 2018

Tuesday June 19, 2018, two days before summer solstice;

Blog time 1100 at Panera;

It was in the high 60s when I first went out.  All my apps said it would rain this morning.  

Nancy headed out for her Tuesday swim at MVP.  Nancy is a great swimmer.  

After breakfast I put a raincoat in my backpack and headed out.  Took the 7.5 mile hilly route to the Y.  Encountered no rain.

After my calisthenics and stretches I headed to Panera.  Still no rain.

This and that from Apple New;

India and Iraq face severe water shortages.  Water might be the scarce resource of the future.  The USA’s west also has water problems.

PONTUS calls for the creation of a new military force the “Space Force”.  Another federal bureaucracy crying for money.

If a mother robs a bank or other felony is she separated from her children?

Separation of adult illegal immigrants from their children is the media’ big issue.

After lunch I got in the Escape and headed to Hitches by George.  Today I was planning on waiting all afternoon if necessary.  I brought my fully charged iPad Pro.  I love the iPad Pro and lately have been using the pencil.  Surprise! it took only 30 minutes to install the hitch.  I can now easily install by bike rack and travel to more bike paths.  

On way home I stopped at Trader Joe’s and bought a baguette.  Also stopped at West Mi Bike and bought a pair of padded bike riding shorts.  Since I changed bike saddles I need padded shorts.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed spaghetti.  It was good.  I did take my mile walk after dinner.

Our condo mate, Sonya stopped by for about 15 minutes.  She is in the process of moving.  We all had a glass of wine.

We watched NCIS and I watched the final, season 1, episode of Bordertown.  The show did not end as in had hoped it would.  I have to wait for season 2.  Light rain when we headed to bed.  

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