Monday, June 4, 2018

Sunday June 3, 2018

Weekend of June 3 Update

Blog started Sunday 1200 sitting in Den;

Saturday June 2, 2018

It was cool this morning low 50s.  We both wore jackets on our walk to Panera.  Panera was crowded this morning with a lot of young athletes.  Spring high school sports are ending today with many state finals in GR.  The Y and MVP are starting their youth summer soccer programs.

Nancy started the laundry as soon as we got home.  I put on my biking knickers and headed out on a 10 mile ride.  A great day for a ride.

Nancy spent some time visiting her friend Kathi this afternoon.  

I needed to make some changes to my bikes.  The pedals on my main bike are steel with serrated edges.  I keep skinning my shins when I make a sudden stop.  I recently removed my old Brooks leather saddle and I now have to adjust the replacement.  

What does a Klutz do when repairs are needed?  He goes to YouTube.  I watched a video on the proper alignment of bike seats.  Next I watched a video on how to strengthen a leather Brooks saddle.  I then made all the necessary repairs including changing pedals.  YouTube is a great training tool.

Just a few things I got out of the news;

POTUS and his antics are dominating the news cycle.
Our Allies are mad because of the new tariffs.
The Korean talks are on and off and on again.
Looks like Stormy Daniels attorney is shooting himself in the foot.
BRexit still has not happened.
The EU is having trouble with their southern members.
The clowns in DC still have not funded infrastructure or solved the immigration problem.
Do most folks care?

For dinner we had a rotisserie chicken.  I had mine with a baked potato.  Took a short walk after dinner.

Debbie FaceTimed us tonight and we got caught up.  Watched an episode of Bosch before turning in.

Sunday June 3;

Our power went off about midnight last night.  It was off for about two hours.  We also had a heavy rain roll through. It was still sprinkling when I first went out this morning.

Breakfast and then at 0845 we headed to Trinity Lutheran for their 0915 Rejoice service.  The church was packed.  Good Homily by Pastor Bob.

First stop after church was at Rite Aid in Gas Light Village.  They had Fiber One cereal on sale.  I put the cereal on my yogurt at lunch.  We bought six boxes.  Nancy cannot overlook a sale.

I bought gas at Meijer’s.  Today’s price was $2.95.  We also got a few supplies.  We have been using Meijer’s recyclable cloth bags for our groceries.  However, Meijer’s automatic check out has problems recognizing the bags.  We have to keep calling an employee to restart the machine.  We decided today to start using their plastic bags and forget about being green.

Lunch and then at 1400 we headed back to Trinity.  A friend that Nancy worked with at the Blodgett gift shop had just lost her husband.  Visitation was at 1400.  The church was packed.

At home I took my Sunday nap.  Nancy made her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  I also had a spinach pie. Dishes and then I took a walk around the block.  

We finished reading the GRP, watched 60 Minutes and the CBS show Instinct before Nancy turned in.  I stayed up and watched another episode of Border Town.  I like this show it is set in Finland near the Russian border.  The dialogue is Finnish (I think) with English subtitles.  Great mystery!

I set the alarm for 0600 because Randy is coming early tomorrow to repair the downstairs shower.

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