Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Tuesday June 26, 2018

Tuesday June 26, 2018

Blog time 1125 at Panera

The nice weather continues.  It was sunny and cool, 58, but will warm up soon.

Nancy headed out early for her Tuesday swim.  After breakfast I headed to the Y.  Today I took my normal Spaulding Ave route to the Y.  It is slightly longer but no hills.  I had bad hip pain last night that I think is the result of all the steep hill climbs.  Time will tell.

I see a lot of mom and dad’s bringing their kids with them to the Y.  Assume the parents are stay at home.  A lot of high school age kids are doing weight training at the Y getting ready for next season.

Every morning I read the online edition of the Alpena News.  It is really a good paper.  They do a good job of covering local governments and sports for the communities in NE MI.  Much better than the GRP.  Every week they have an opinion piece written by a retired local judge,  Doug Pugh.  I think he was in my sister’s class at AHS.  His articles are very interesting.  One article he wrote about a local coach helping kids in a summer ball league.  The coach was Bob Delaney who went on to fame as the head football coach of Nebraska.  I had the same experience.  Today Doug wrote a very good piece on perspective.

This and that;

Did you know that there are eight US Consulates and an Embassy in Mexico where immigrants can apply for political asylum?

Horrors, the UK Pubs are running out of beer because of the World Cup.

Continuing with the UK they are having a heat wave.

I think the Red Hen was out of line ejecting POTUS’s Press Secretary.  One of few things David Axelrod and I agree on.

US librarians think the popular book “Little House on the Prairie” is racist because of several negative comments about Native Americans.  Good grief the book reflects the popular feelings of the period.  

After lunch I headed to Orvis.  I bought a pair of summer weight pants.  I finished the afternoon with a nap.

At 1800 Nancy and I headed to Noto’s for the monthly dinner with neighbors.  We sat at a table with three other couples.  Three of the men were born in 1938.  I was the oldest.  That is where the similarities ends.  The other three couples were avid golfers.  The table conversation centered around golf.  We felt isolated.  However, the food was good.

As soon as we got home I took a walk around the block.  We watched Bull before turning in.  Rain and heat predicted for the next several days.

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