Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Monday June 4, 2018

Monday June 4, 2018

Blog time 0850 sitting at kitchen table.

Bright sun this morning but temps were cool, mid 50s with wind.

Today we have a repairman coming to fix the basement shower.  No Y today.  I did my entire exercise routine at home.  Quick shower and breakfast.  Randy, the repairman, said he would be here early.  I forgot to ask what he meant by early.  It is now 0900 and no Randy.  Randy showed at 1000.  His first chore was to clean our dryer vent.  He had a industrial grade vacuum with a long handle.  I was surprised by how much lint he removed.

He began removing and patching the damaged wall board just above the top of the shower.  He plastered the gap.  The plastered area has to dry so Randy will be back tomorrow.

I got on my bike and pedaled to Panera.  Finished the weekend blog and read the news before heading home.

This afternoon we spent several hours outside.  Nancy worked on her flowers and I finished washing the outside main floor windows.  I even had time for a short nap.

Light dinner, cereal with strawberries and peaches.  I am on a sugar free diet but my one exception is fruit.  I eat a lot of fruit and it does appear to impact my weight.

After the dishes I took my evening walk around the block.  Before settling down to watch TV,  I prepared Nancy and Ms P’s evening cheese snack.  I sliced an apple for myself.  Nancy usually eats several slices.  Typical evening routine.

We watched an episode of “The Killing”.  The show was very dark and gruesome last night.  Does the sun ever shine in Seattle?

Nancy headed to bed and I watched another episode of Bordertown.  

This and that;

Readers of this blog might note that I have not ranted too much on politics lately.  I am just so disappointed in public officials and the media’s lack of civility.  I have been turned off and I don’t think this is good.  Citizens should be engaged if our Democracy is to work.  Being civil is not against the law.

Wireless ear buds are becoming very popular.

With the warm weather folks are wearing short sleeve shirts.  I am surprised at the number of young folks who have 90% of their arms covered with tattoos.  I am not a fan of tattoos.

I keep getting robo calls on my cell.  They have our area code so I answer the call.

We have a lot of wild turkeys in our neighborhood.

Called our travel agent this afternoon.  We are taking AJ back to LA.  Plan on spending nearly a week in the LA area.

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