Saturday, June 16, 2018

Friday June 15, 2018

Friday June 15, 2015

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Yes folks another nice sunny and warm day.  It was 56 when I first got up but now it is 76 and will get to 86 later.  Love this weather!  

Nancy headed out to a class at MVP and later she will have lunch at Rose’s with a friend.  Yesterday Nancy attended a lecture at Aquinas College on the History of the Ottawa Hills Neighborhood.  She met a lot of old neighbors who were in attendance.  She said the lecture was very interesting.

Because of construction I took a different route to the Y.  Same distance but with hills.  

While parking my bike at the Y I noted a young man taking his two sons to one of the Y’s camps.  It was Brad Verker a high school classmate of son, Stephen.  Brad was also on OHHS’s hockey team with Steve.  He now owns a small accounting firm in GR.  Both Brad and Steve will be 45 this year.  It is trite; but time does fly.

I did not get home until 1230 and Kim was just finishing cleaning.  Nancy was having lunch with a friend at Rose’s.

I hope the GOP comes to its senses and passes a decent immigration bill.  Most folks are against separating families.  The country needs immigrants.  Jobs go unfilled because of lack of workers.

This and that:

With the U.K. leaving the EU the French PM  is suggesting that English be dropped as the language of the EU.  Of course he suggest that French be the preferred language.

The University of Chicago will no longer use SAT or ACT scores for new applicants.  In my era we did not take any test for college admission.  The most important factors were your grades and a recommendation from you HS principal.

PONTUS has put new tariffs on more Chinese goods.  I don’t know if this is a good idea.  I am a free trader.

After lunch I got on my bike and headed to Meijer’s to pick up a prescription.  The temp was in the mid 80s and it was very humid.  Needless to say I did not extend the bike trip.

Finished the afternoon with a nap.  For dinner Nancy fixed waffles and poached eggs.  Great meal.

After the dishes I took my evening walk around the block.  Fixed Nancy her cheese snack and I had an apple before settling down.

We watched the first episode of season two of Goliath.  The star is Billy Bob Thornton.  The jury is still out on season 2.

Nancy headed to bed.  I watched another episode of Bordertown.

The heat will continue.  Busy day tomorrow.  I will spent the morning working at Trinity Lutheran and Nancy will attend the OHNA’s Annual Garden Tour with her friend Kathi (update; Nancy’s foot is bothering her so she might forgo the Garden Tour).  We are having dinner with the Horling’s Saturday evening at Red’s.

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