Monday, July 2, 2018

Sunday July 1, 2018

Week end update;

Saturday June 30, 2018

Blog started at 0800 at Panera

Looks like another hot day.  The temp at 0800 is 80 and sunny.

This morning I volunteered to work at Trinity Lutheran.  We will continue to move furniture.  My shift starts at 0830.  I made a quick stop at Panera for an oatmeal breakfast.

Good Grief!  Today is the last day of June.  That means 2018 is half over.

Left Panera at 0815 and headed to Trinity Lutheran.  20 folks showed up to help with the move.  Many hands make easy work because we were done by 1030.  We were all bathed in sweat.  The temp was in the mid 80s when we finished.

At home I changed into my bike clothes and took an easy 7 mile ride.  Despite the heat and humidity I saw a lot of folks walking and biking.  

Showered and then a quick lunch.  I found time to take a nap.  After the nap I spent time in the office paying billing and clearing my in basket.  Yes I do have an in basket.  

Tomorrow is the big election in Mexico.  I thought the USA was a violent country but Mexico is worse.  It is tough being a politician.  132 have been murdered this election season.  

We were going to grill outside tonight but it was too hot.  Nancy fixed me a hot dog and egg roll for dinner.  Perfect for a hot evening.  I did take a mile walk after dinner.  The temperature was 90.  Needless to say I walked slow.

Tonight we watched an episode of Secret City.  I like this Australian show.  Nancy headed to bed but I stayed up and watched another foreign Netflix show, The Forest.  French dialogue with English subtitles.

I did turn the AC off before turning in.  The temp had dropped to 77.

Sunday July 1, 2018

The start of a new month so I get out a new tooth brush.  Did I really have to share this fact with you?  Or who cares!

Alarm off at 0615 and we get up and get ready for our Sunday morning walk around the block.  The temp was 75.  We got about .2 mile into our 1.25 mile walk when Ms P refused to walk further.  We took her home and then continued.  Total distance walked 1.5 miles.

Headed to church at 0845 for the 0925 Celebration service.  Today the service has been moved to the Sanctuary because of the renovation.  Pastor Bob said we could drink coffee in the Sanctuary.  Good news.

Despite the heat I was surprised at the turnout.  The band was in fine fiddle.  In fact they got an applause after the final hymn.  Everyone was upbeat when they left.

We headed to Meijer’s for supplies and gas.  Gas today was $3.07.  Nancy bought supplies for Missy and AJ who are coming on Thursday.  

At home we unloaded and then I took a short walk followed by lunch.  I read several sections of the GRP before taking my nap.

After the nap I spent some time trying to figure out how to blow up a big air mattress.  I tried my bike pump but that would have taken an hour.  I search and found an electric pump I had purchased years ago.  It did the trick.

We watched the end of the Croatia vs Denmark World Cup game.  It was exciting.

For dinner tonight Nancy is fixing her world famous scrambled eggs.  After I will take a walk and then settle down to watch 60 Minutes and read the GRP.  

We did not watch 60 Minutes because it was reruns.  Debbie FaceTimed us and we spent some time catching up.  It was also above 90 today in San Jose.

We started watching a U.K. drama on Amazon staring Hugh Grant.  We watched about 10 minutes before determining this is not for us.

We watched an episode of Inspector Lewis.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched the French TV show “The Forest” before heading to bed.  

We had a thunder storm roll through at 2100.  It dropped the temp to mid 70s.  The temperature will not reach 90 tomorrow ending our heat wave.  I learned today that in order to be called a heat wave you must have three continuous days with temps above 90.

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