Saturday, July 7, 2018

Friday July 6, 2018

Friday July 6, 2018

Blog time 1020 at Panera

This morning was perfect.  Temp in high 60s with sun and cloudless sky.

Today I did my calisthenics and stretches at home.  Nancy is not going to MVP this morning.  She promised AJ she would make her Grandma’s world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast.

I had a quick breakfast.  I biked the short five mile route to Panera.  Most folks must have taken the day off because traffic was light.

My temporary schedule calls for attending the Jurassic movie with AJ.  For dinner tonight Nancy is grilling hamburgers.  First time this year using our outdoor grill. Stay tuned!

Partially read the news before heading home.  Quick lunch followed by short walk.  At 1330 AJ, Missy and I headed to the movie.  The theater was almost empty.  AJ and Missy liked the movie.  I thought it was too violent.

As soon as we got home AJ fell asleep.  Must be jet lag.  We cancelled plans for an outdoor grill and instead voted for pizza.  I ordered two medium pizzas from Jet’s which is less than 1/2 mile from the condo.  I picked up the pizzas in 15 minutes.  We all liked the pizza.  Jet’s gets an A.

It was such a beautiful evening we ate on the deck.  We spent several hour eating and talking.  I love sitting outside on a beautiful summer’s evening. AJ was still sound asleep when we headed to bed at 2230.

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