Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Monday July 30, 2018

Monday July 30, 2018

Blog time 1110 at Panera

Spent a restless night and I really don’t know why.  At 0400 I got up walked around the condo and then emptied the dishwasher.  I read that my restlessness is common in old men.  

Finally got up at 0645.  The sun was out and temperature was a nice 58.  The courtyard sprinklers go off on MWF at 0645 and end at 0715.  So we avoid leaving via the front door until the sprinklers go off.  Who wants to get wet first thing in the morning?

I have been using the downstairs slider to take Ms P out on sprinkler days.  If we don’t get her out as soon as we get up accidents happen.

Nancy headed to a class at MVP and I headed out after breakfast.  My normal morning departure time is 0810.  I did see some wild Turkeys in a large field off of Spaulding.  No other critters were seen on my hour ride to the Y.

Every morning at the Y, the staff posts a question of the day.  Today’s question was “what is your favorite swimming hole”.   The first thing that came to my mind was the deep hole under the Scott Road bridge over South Branch of the Thunder Bay River in Hubbard Lake, Mi.  On hot summer evenings I would walk the 1/2 mile from my Grandparents farm to the River.  I remember the water was cold but very clear.  A great way to cool off after a hard day working on the farm.

A sure sign that fall is not far off.  Every morning on my ride from the Y to Panera I pass MVP’s large out door fields.  This morning I noted a football camp for pre teen kids.  It was sponsored by the Detroit Lions.  Estimated about 100 boys in attendance.

At Panera I spent some time making appointments.  First call was to the Vet.  Ms P has been experiencing some incontinence so we have an appointment for Wednesday.  I have to bring in a urine sample.  I asked how do I collect a sample from a 6” high dog?  She provided no good answer.

I also scheduled an appointment to meet with our financial adviser.  We meet August 16.

POTUS is still trying to get his stupid wall built.  Forget the wall!

The forest fires in Shasta County, Ca are huge.  Forest fires in CA and Greece, volcano eruptions in Hawaii and elsewhere must be creating huge smoke plumes.  I would think the smoke might impact climate change?  Global cooling?

I have been thinking of buying a kayak.  My big problem is transporting the kayak.  Picking up a 10 foot, 45 pound kayak and putting it on a roof rack is too much.  A 10 foot kayak is too long for my Escape’s back seat.

I recently had a trailer hitch installed so I could attach my bike rack to it. I had an idea that if I make an extension and attach it to the hitch I could let the end of a kayak rest on it.   I could not close the hatch but since I would be transporting the kayak only a short distance I don’t think this is a problem.

After lunch I head to Tractor Supply Company in Lowell.  I found a hitch extension.  Also bought nuts and bolts that are needed for the kayak extension.  Now I just have to buy the kayak.

I found time this afternoon to take a short nap.  We had a light dinner.  Dishes and then my nightly walk.  After our cheese and apple snack we watched another episode of Endeavor.  

Ms P was really off her feed today.  She did not eat, even her nightly cheese snack, and spent the most of the evening curled up in a corner.  However, right before bedtime she bounced up and seemed fine.  Go figure!

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