Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Tuesday July 3, 2018

Tuesday July 3, 2018

Blog time 1110 at Panera

It looked like another nice sunny day when I first went out.  The temp was 70 heading to a high of 91.  Nancy headed out for her Tuesday swim.  

After breakfast I biked to the Y.  It usually takes me 50 minutes to ride the 7.7 miles.  Today was no exception.  The critters must be staying in the shade because I did not see any today.

I thought the Y would be empty because of tomorrow’s holiday.  I was wrong it was crowded.  Maybe a holiday in the middle of the week caused folks to stay home?

Not much in the news today.  I did learn that because of the heat wave the U.K. is experiencing a large influx of horse flies.  The U.K. news is all about their World Cup soccer team.

PONTUS is causing a stir by threatening to leave NATO and the WTO.  I really think he would face major opposition from congress.

It was close to 90 when I left Panera.  After a quick lunch Nancy and I headed to Trader Joe’s to buy wine and tamales.  Next stop was Fresh Thyme to purchase blueberries.

I did find time to take a nap.  After the nap I cleaned up the downstairs bedroom to make room for AJ and Missy.

Nancy fixed a chicken salad for dinner.  A great summertime meal.

I took a walk after dinner.  We had our apple and cheese snack and then watched NCIS and Bull before turning in.

I did not turn off the AC at bedtime because the outside temp was in the mid 80s.  I did turn it off about 0100 when the outside temp was lower than inside.

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