Friday, July 20, 2018

Thursday July 19, 2018

Thursday July 18, 2018

Blog time 0915 on Friday sitting in hotel room.

Thursday and we are still in our jet lag mode.  Up at 0600 and headed to the hotel lobby for breakfast.  I had oatmeal, banana, yogurt and coffee.  Great free breakfast.  The breakfast room was filled with vacationing families.

The weather was warm and sunny. Temps in high 70s all day.  Perfect for being outdoors.  This morning we decided to walk Venice Beach.  First made a quick stop at mall so Nancy could check out Talbot’s sale items.  I bought a cell phone holder that I hook to my belt.  

We head to Venice Beach.  Traffic was really bad and made worse by heavy construction.  Bottom line we did not make it.  We took a scenic drive along the coast before heading back.

We made a quick stop at Costco for lunch.  I had a hot dog.  We rested at the hotel until 1600.  Tonight while I watch Lucas’s ball game Nancy is taking Alessandra to a mall for dinner and a movie.

Traffic on the 405 was horrific.  Bumper to bumper.  What should have been a 20’ trip took over 90’.  

Steve, Veronica and I had a light dinner at a local cafe.  We made it back to the ball park in time for the 1900 start to the ballgame.  Lucas’s team is played a team from Fallon, Nevada.  Lucas’s team won so they play again tomorrow night.

Nancy and Alessandra returned to the ball park after their night out.  Both said they had a great time.

Traffic was still heavy on the 405 when we left at 1930.  As soon as we got back to our hotel we headed to bed.

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