Monday, July 30, 2018

Sunday July 29, 2018

Weekend Update

Blog started Saturday at 1600 while sitting on our deck drinking wine.  

Woke up to bright sunshine this morning but it was cool, 58.  First Saturday in July that we walked to Panera for breakfast.  I had my usual, oatmeal, banana, bagel with peanut butter and coffee.  Nancy just had a cup of hazelnut coffee.  Hazelnut is the most popular coffee at Panera.  I prefer the bold roast. 

This morning my plan was to titivate around the house.  Titivate was a favorite word of my old boss on Midway Island, Lt Commander Tinklepaugh.  He would send me blue memos telling me to titivate my areas.  Titivate means to clean up or spruce up.  

First job this morning was to clean the concrete slab below our upstairs deck.  I took a broom and removed cobwebs from walls before sweeping the concrete deck.  Nancy worked in the same area weeding our lower level flower bed.  We accumulated several bags of dust, grass and weeds.

Next job was removing cobwebs on the walls of our front entrance and garage.  Also swept our front walk.  

Spent several hours making minor adjustments to my three bikes.  I swapped seats on San Jose and Bad Boy bikes.  Moved the Brooks saddle from the San Jose to the Bad Boy.  The Bad Boy is my preferred bike by far.  I want to sell my 30 year old single speed Nishiki bike but really don’t know how to go about it.  Craig’s List?

After the chores I had a quick lunch then put on my bike clothes.  My ride today was to Ada along Thornapple River Drive.  I stopped in Ada at the Ada Bike store.  If they would take a trade in I would have bought the new model Bad Boy bike.  The upgrades seem great.  Total bike miles 10.5 miles.  Showered and then took a nap.  

I cleaned off our deck table.  Nancy fired up the grill and cooked a steak and potatoes.  We sat outside and enjoyed a pleasant meal.  Nancy had a mango lemonade with vodka and I had a glass of red wine.  The steak was outstanding.  It was a New York strip steak. Petunia is having a great time cleaning the bone.  We enjoyed watching a Humming Bird feeding on the flowers in the deck’s flower boxes.  What a way to spent a nice summer’s evening.

Debbie FaceTimed us tonight.  We spent time catching up.  First time this month we have FaceTimed with Debbie.  Missed her.

Tonight we watched Endeavor on Prime.  The show is written by the same folks that wrote Inspector Lewis.

Correction:  in yesterday’s blog I mentioned that we had watched a Netflix show filmed in Wales.  I said the show was Broadchurch when in fact the show was Hinterland.   Sorry!

Sunday July 29, 2018

Blog time 1200 Sunday.  Sitting in office.

Alarm goes off at 0615.  The sun does not rise until 0630.  Yes, unfortunately, the days are getting shorter.

Nancy and I took our early morning Sunday walk around the block.  We did see a deer on our walk but no other critters.  Total distance is 1.3 miles.  Petunia is not up to this long walk.

Quick breakfast and then we head out for the 0915 service at Trinity Lutheran.  Despite being in peak vacation season the church was crowded.

After church we stopped at Meijer’s for supplies.  Gas today was $3.00 per gallon.  As soon as we got home I took the Taurus to the D&W station to fill it up.  Gas was the same price as Meijer’s.

Spent some time reading the GRP before lunch.  Took my Sunday nap followed by a short bike ride.  

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  I had mine with a croissant.  Fired up the dish washer and then took a walk to the corner, 0.7 miles.

We watched 60 Minutes followed by another episode of Endeavour.  The show is ok but not as good as Inspector Lewis.
The nice weather will continue for several days.  Looks like great bike riding weather.


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