Monday, July 16, 2018

Sunday July 15, 2018

Weekend Update;

Blog being written on Monday at 1120 sitting at Panera

Saturday July 14;

After breakfast at Hampton Inn we picked up AJ at Helen’s and headed back to GR.  The trip was uneventful.

Spent the rest of the day unpacking.  Nancy even did several loads of laundry.

The Direct TV repair man arrived at 1700 and he seems to have fixed our problem.  Light dinner and then some Netflix shows.

Sunday July 15,  it rained last night.

Nancy and I got up early and took our Sunday walk around the block. After breakfast we headed to Meijer’s for gas and supplies.  Gas was $2.97.

Spent some time reading the papers.  Nancy started the laundry.

Early lunch and then AJ and I headed to the movie.  We saw Hotel Transylvania 3.  I bought AJ an ice cream cone after the movie.  Did you know they have a bar inside the theater?

As soon as we got home Nancy took AJ to her friend Kathi’s home for a swim.  I took a quick nap.  We had a heavy storm roll through this afternoon.  It rained buckets.

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  After the dishes I took a walk around the block. Finished the evening watching Netflix.

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