Thursday, July 12, 2018

Tuesday July 10, 2018

Tuesday July 10, 2018

Blog time 1050 sitting a Panera

Cloudy with temp of 72 when first went out this morning.  Nancy decided to take a break from MVP so no swimming today.

AJ must have conquered jet lag because we had breakfast together.  After breakfast I bike to the Y.  Took the five mile route.  Reduced stretches and calisthenics today.  I am winding down.  

Tomorrow we are leaving early for Gaylord for Alpenfest and a family get together.  Friday we are going to Mackinaw Island.  We drive home on Saturday.  Recuperate for several days and then on Wednesday the 18th we fly to CA  to take AJ back and visit son Steve and family.  The 18th is Steve’s 45th Birthday.

The Cave rescue, SCOTUS nominee Kavanaugh and the political upheaval in the U.K. still dominates the news.  Of course, outside the USA the World Cup dominates.  

Nancy and AJ stopped at Costco and bought more snacks for the trip to Gaylord.  They then headed to MVP to swim in the outdoor pool followed by a trip to the beauty shop.  Busy day for the women.

I finished packing this afternoon.  For dinner we headed to Culver’s.  AJ had their chicken nuggets and I had a cod sandwich.  Nancy just had a soft drink and my French fries.  AJ topped off her meal with ice cream.

Our Direct TV is down so I watched Netflix while  Nancy and AJ played mah Jong.  We were all in bed by 2130.

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