Thursday, July 5, 2018

Wednesday July 4, 2018

Wednesday July 4, 2018

Blog time 1220 sitting in downstairs office.


My first fourth was in 1938.  Yesterday my sister, Helen, and I talked about what we did on the 4th.  I thought we had a picnic at my Grandfather Scott’s farm but Helen said we went to the McNeal cottage at Hubbard Lake.  Helen was right.  I just checked my Great Grandfather Sanborn’s diary from 1938 and he mentioned attending the picnic at the McNeal’s.  I am assuming I was also in attendance.  My first 4th.

Another hot sunny day in GR.  We headed out at 0745 for the Hollyhock Lane Parade in the Ottawa Hills Neighborhood of GR.  I think this is their 84th Fourth of July Parade.  Except for police and fire trucks this is a home grown neighborhood parade.  Local Boy and Girls Scout troops marched. The neighborhood has their own marching band complete with a kazoo section.  The kids decorated their bikes and rode in the parade.  Neighbors also elected a Mr and Ms America who headed the parade.  Of course this being an election year there were a lot of pols running for office in attendance.  A short program which included a jazz combo, raising the flag, speakers was held in the back yard of a neighbor.  We all walk down the alley, Hollyhock Lane, to get to the back yard.  Large crowds with a lot of old neighbors like Bob and Nancy in attendance.  America at its best!

After the parade we headed out to find a restaurant for breakfast.  Not an original idea.  We stopped at the Omelette Shop by the wait was too long.  Finally ended up at the Sundance.  The Sundance use to be one of our favorite restaurants.  Nancy had the ham scramble and I had eggs with corn beef hash.  We sat outside which was nice but the food was subpar.  How can you ruin corn beef hash?  We gave the food a D.  

At home I started a load of laundry before lunch.  After lunch I drove Nancy to the Gardens.  She is working her normal Wednesday shift.  Nancy will miss her next two shifts because we will be in Gaylord and LA.

At home I hung up the laundry and continued to clean up the downstairs bedroom for Missy and AJ.  I did find time for a nap.

At 1600 I loaded Ms P into the Escape and headed to Meijer’s to pick up Nancy.  Dropped them off a home and then headed to Meijer’s to buy some bananas.

Light dinner followed by a walk.  We watched an episode of Goliath on Prime.  We are having trouble getting Netflix on our big TV so I watched an episode of Netflix’s “The Forest” in the living room.

Because of the heat we had the AC on all day.  It was still 80 at 2200 so I left the AC on until 0300.  The heat will continue through tomorrow.

Locations where I have spent the Fourth alone:

Riddle, Oregon 1956
Farmington, NM 1957 and 58
Bellows Falls, VT 1960
Newport, RI. 1961
Midway Island 1962
Vietnam 1963 and 64

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