Friday, July 27, 2018

Thursday July 26, 2018

Thursday July 26, 2018

Blog time 1040 at Panera

We had a light rain move through last night.  Cool, 60s, and cloudy this morning, high temp today will be 78.

Nancy headed out early for her morning swim at MVP.  After a light breakfast I head to the Y via my short 5 mi route.  Made a quick stop at the ATM to get money for Kim who will clean tomorrow.  For a Thursday the Y was very crowded.  

Where are the turkeys, deer and sand hill cranes?  I have not seen these critters in several weeks.

This and that from the news:

BRexit seems stalled.  Negotiations are confusing.  EU seems like a big incompetent organization.

POTUS’s tariff proposals are keeping everyone off balance.  Is this his intention?

The silly season is upon us.  Nancy and I are so tired of the political ads.

Floods, fires and collapsed dams are creating havoc.

I do not know one active player on the Tigers.  

Why is the stock market doing well despite all the negative news?

At home took quick shower, lunch and then Nancy and I headed to Costco.  Today was our paper run.  We bought toilet paper, nose tissues, and paper towels.  Of course because it is Costco we will not need to buy these products again for several years.

I continued to spend time in my office catching up.  July has been an active outdoor month so I just let things pile up in my in basket.

Found time for a short nap before dinner.  Nancy fixed a great chicken salad for dinner.  A great summer meal.

I took my evening walk after the dishes.  Fixed our cheese and apple snacks before settling down.  We watched an episode of Call the MidWifes before turning in.  

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