Thursday, July 19, 2018

Tuesday July 17, 2018

Tuesday July 17, 2018

Blog time 1130 at Panera.

My new weaker reading glasses, 1.5 strength vs 2.0, are working great.  The same thing happened to Nancy.  Before the cataract surgery she used 3.0 strength reading glasses.  She now does not need reading glasses.

Woke up to bright sun.  Temp was in mid 60s but humidity had dropped significantly.

Took the short route to the Y, 5 miles.  Reduced calisthenics but I continue to do the stretches at the intensity recommended by the PT folks.  I think it helps.

This morning I talked to a hard core regular at the Y.  He is presently running an informal training sessions for several teenagers.  I asked if they were his grandkids.  He said no they played hockey at FHC.  He is their hockey coach.  His name is Guy Gutos.  He was friends with Rick Jensen.  Rick Jensen was son Stephen’s hockey coach at OHHS.  In fact he remembers Steve.  

Lunch and then finished packing.  Nancy and AJ got their hair done in the morning and a mani-pedi in the afternoon.

At 1600 we drove the Meijer’s Garden to see the plant, titan arum or corpse flower, that blooms every 18 years.  We were unlucky because the plant had finished blooming.

We had pizza for dinner.  Watched an episode of Inspector Lewis before turning in.  Big travel day tomorrow!

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