Friday, July 6, 2018

Thursday July 5, 2018

Thursday July 5, 2018

Blog time 1130 at Panera

I did not turn the AC off until 0300.  The weather folks predicted rain last night but did not happen.

It was 79 and sunny when I went out at 0630.   Nancy headed out to her Thursday swim at MVP.  I had breakfast and then hopped on the bike and headed to the Y.  Despite wearing only a tee I was sweating profusely when I got to the Y.  The Y had their AC pump up this morning because I found it downright chilly.

At Panera they also had the AC on full blast.  Luckily I had an extra shirt in my bike bag.

The Supreme Court is the new front page story.  PONTUS seems to love all the drama surrounding his selection process.  I can’t see how a hard core abortion foe could get approved by the Senate.

Is this Poetic justice?  Several poachers in Africa looking for the endangered black rhino were eaten by lions.  

Another report today that coffee is good for you.  I think I drink about 24 oz per day.

Algorithms are used for solving complex problems especially for computers.  However, they are not infallible.  Facebook’s algorithms rejected a section of the US Constitution because it contained hateful sections.  On the same mode, the Librarians have said the author of Little House on the Prairie will have her name removed from a prize because her books were racist.  Get real folks!  

Showered and then had a quick lunch.  After lunch I drove to the Cascade Twp office to deliver our absentee ballots.  Next stop was Dick’s Sporting Goods.  I am looking to replace some quick drying tees made by ex-officio.  They did not have any, in fact they had never heard of ex-officio.  Maybe that is why I don’t like Dicks.

I did take a short nap and then at 1640 we all got in the Escape and headed to the airport.  Missy and AJ’s flight is due at 1728.  Of course the flight was 20’ late.  Great to see them.

Quick stop at home and then we headed to Olga’s at Woodland Mall for dinner.  Missy and I had the Original Olga sandwich.  I had forgotten how good they were.

We spent a quiet evening at home talking and enjoying a glass of wine.  The temperature had dropped to the low 80s and so I turned off the AC.  The weather folks say the heat wave is over.  No more 90 degree temps for a week at least.


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