Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Tuesday July 31, 2018

Tuesday July 31, 2018

Blog time 1145 at Panera

We slept in until 0700 today, about 30 minutes behind schedule.  But old folks don’t need a schedule I am told.

It was cloudy and cool, high 50s, this morning.  No rain predicted for the rest of the week.

Nancy headed out for her Tuesday swim.  After breakfast I saddled up and headed to the Y.  The summer camps are going full blast.  The Y is jammed with kids.  I observed that the majority of kids attending camp are brought to the Y by their fathers.  Sign of the times?

At Panera I read all the news but really found nothing that deserves a comment.  At noon Panera started to fill up.  Left at 1230 because I felt guilty taking up a table.

Lunch and then I got in the Escape and headed to Bill and Paul’s.  My goal is to find a well made kayak that I can load into the Escape.  I found several that would meet my criteria.  Now all I have to do is build the kayak end support that will be attached to my trailer hitch.  

Spent several hours checking mail, and paying bills.  For dinner tonight Nancy fixed chicken cordon blu with risotto.  It was good.

Dishes and then my walk around the block.  Apple and cheese snack before watching an episode on Inspector Lewis.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched a Bollywood crime show.  I liked the show.

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