Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Tuesday August 14, 2018

Tuesday August 14, 2018

A special mention is in order for Granddaughter Akerke.  Today is her first day of school.  Akerke attends school in the LA Consolidated School District.  First year that uniforms are required.  It is also her last year in elementary school.  Have a good year Akerke.

It was dark when Ms P and I went out at 0630.  Sunny with temps in high 80s later.

Nancy headed out early for her Tuesday swim.  After breakfast I took the long route to the Y, 7+ miles.  Traffic was light this morning but next week it will be heavy.  Schools start next week.

The Y was very quiet this morning.  After school starts I will start swimming.

At Panera this morning I talked to Rich Buskirk.  Rich worked for the Montcalm County Road Commissions for many years.  He was the MCRC’S surveyor and construction Inspector.  Rich was the inspector on all the bridges we designed in the county.  Rich is retired and lives on a farm about 45 miles from GR.  I see him about every two weeks at either Costco or Panera.  Great guy.

The Alpena News reported on a visit to Alpena by Senator Stabenow.  Sen Stabenow is a Democrat and was asked about President Trump.  She said “if what he does is good for Michigan she is all in”.  I thought this was a great answer.  She does a good job for Mi and the few times I have written her she has replied promptly.  Mi desperately needs Federal money to improve the Soo Locks.

After lunch I took the Taurus for gas.  Gas today was $2.99.  I bought a banana, crackers and a sub sandwich at Meijer’s.  Nancy is working at the Gardens tonight.  They don’t need me so I will wander around the Gardens before the concert starts.  Nancy is making a picnic basket for tonight.  She added the sub.

Took a shower and then a quick nap.  At 1600 we headed to the Gardens.  Nancy’s shift is from 1700 to 2000.  Before the concert I visited the Japanese Garden.  I recommend a Japanese Garden visit to all folks.  Meijer’s Garden is a jewel.

Put up our beach chairs 30 minutes before the concert.  I bought a beer, ate my sub and people watched.  

Tonight’s concrete featured two bands.  They both played tunes from the 60s.  The first band was all male from Holland.  The second band were six women call the 6 Pac.  Great concert especially the 6 PAC.  Nancy said they sold over 2,000 tickets.  Capacity seating is 1,800.  Great way to spend a warm summer’s evening.  

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