Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Tuesday August 7, 2018

Tuesday August 7, 2018

Our heat wave is over.  Temp was 68 with no morning rain.  Nancy heads to her Tuesday swim and after breakfast I head to the Y.  

Another pleasant morning for a bike ride.  I pass the same folks every morning out for their morning walk.  Calisthenics and stretches at Y.  This morning for first time this year I ran a lap.  It is only 0.2 mi but I experienced no pain.

Nancy and I both had trouble sleeping last night.  I might have to start using my CPAC machine again.

The Alpena News reported that high school football practice started on Monday.  Several small HS in NE MI have switched to 8 man football.

Showered and quick lunch before afternoon chores.  Stopped at ATM to build up my cash supply.  I love our local Ace Hardware store.  I needed 4 nuts and bolts to finish my kayak rack.  I can walk to their storage bins and pick out the nuts and bolts that I need.  Can purchase 1 or a dozen bolts.  The big box stores have the bolts in packages and so they decide the size of my purchase which is usually at least two times more than I need.  Small is good.

Before buying a kayak I wanted to check on getting a used one.  Stopped and “Play it Again Sports” and they did not have any.  Also checked the GRP.  Tomorrow I will check Craig’s List.

I took a short nap.  For dinner Nancy fixed a chicken salad with corn on the cob.  Very tasty.  After dinner I took a walk in a light mist.  After the snacks we watched two episodes of DCI Crane on Prime before turning in.

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