Thursday, August 9, 2018

Wednesday August 8, 2018

Wednesday August 8, 2018

Blog time 0939 at Panera


Today is my Sister Helen’s birthday.  I remember in 41’ when Mom and Dad brought Helen home.  I think bed rest was required for all new mothers because Dad picked up Mother in his arms and carried her upstairs.  Quite a feat of strength.  Oh the silly things I remember.

Today is my easy Wednesday.  I plan on breakfast at Panera and then a bike ride on the Musketawa Trail.  It was 68 and very humid this morning but no rain predicted.

Nancy headed out to MVP.  She has a busy day.  Meijer’s this afternoon and then Book Club.  I am on my own for dinner.

Biked straight to Panera.  Had an oatmeal, banana, bagel and coffee breakfast.  Quick check of emails and read the headlines.  At home I loaded my bike on the rack and drove to the Masketawa Trail in Ottawa County.  This is a popular “rails to trails” bike path.  The parking lot was crowded.  First time on this trail this year.  It is a well maintained trail that passes through prosperous looking farms.  The corn is all tasseled out and to my eye looks good.  I pedaled to Conklin and back a distance of 15 miles.  The creation of bike trails on abandoned RR right of ways was brilliant.  

I have commented many times how uncivil our public officials are to each other.  But has all the yelling and shouting caught the attention of the ordinary folks.  Turnout at Tuesday’ primary elections was at record levels.  This is a good sign.  Participation is important.  We all have a stake in the government.

Did not get home until 1400.  Quick lunch and then the Wednesday chores, trash and laundry.  I even found time for a short nap.

Nancy had Book Club so I was on my own for dinner.  I walked to Panera for a bowl of Black Bean soup.  I gave it a C-.

Tonight we watched two episodes of Endeavour on Amazon Prime.  I like UK police dramas.  Temp was in mid 70s with 90% humidity when we turned in.  Opened the window extra wide.


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