Monday, August 6, 2018

Sunday August 5, 2018

Weekend Update:

Blog started at 1300 on Sunday sitting at kitchen table.

Saturday August 4:

The temp was sunny and warm, 68, when we started our walk to Panera for Saturday breakfast.  In anticipation of the predicted 90 degree heat Panera had the AC cranked.  It was too cold for Bob and Nancy so we sat outside and enjoyed our oatmeal and coffee.

At home Nancy started the laundry and I loaded my Bad Boy bike on my bike rack and headed to the White Pine Trail.  I rode from Riverside Park to Rockford and back, a distance of 20 miles.  Longest ride of the year.  However, the White Pine Trail is on an old RR grade so the ride was flat with no hills.  I did encounter on the trail two retired OHHS teachers, Gerry Siegel and Jim Walters.  All of our kids had them as teachers.

Both Jim and Gerry were friends with Rick Jensen.  Rick taught social studies and was Steve’s hockey coach.  He presently is in jail for murder.  Jim said that Rick has been moved to Ionia Prison and placed in a unit that houses prisoners with dementia.  Despite his crime I liked Rick.

Today is my childhood friend Tommy Collins 79th birthday.  Tommy and I had many fond memories especially playing ice hockey.  Tommy lives in San Clemente, CA.  He left MI for CA soon after junior college and he would never come back.

No walk today because by 1400 the temperature had reached 90.  For dinner we headed to JT’s Pizza.  We sat outside and were blessed with a cooling breeze.  JT has the best pizza.

This evening we again switched to Prime and watched Prime Suspect, Tennison.  We like this show.

We had the AC on since early afternoon.  At 2200 the outside temperature was 79 so I turned the unit off.  The heat continues tomorrow.

Sunday August 5, 2018

Up at 0615 before the sunrise at 0637.  It was already in the low 70s.  Nancy and I wore shorts for our walk around the block.  We left home at 0845 for Trinity Lutheran.  Despite being the height of the vacation season Church was crowded.

We stopped at Meijer’s after church for supplies and gas.  The kitchen is being renovated at church so I now get my Sunday coffee at Starbucks in Meijer’s.

I completed my Sunday calisthenics at home.  Read several sections of GRP before lunch.  Lunch and then a short nap.  The temperature reached 90 so no walk until later.

I ran some errands.  Stopped at local Ace Hardware and Home Depot for more parts for my kayak rack.

Nancy’s office chair is shot so I looked at Costco and Stables for a suitable replacement.  Described the chairs and Nancy said I should get the Costco chair.

Checked out the kayaks at Dick’s.  Bill and Paul’s has a better selection.

Sent the Grandkids my monthly note.  Tonight I will mail them.

Nancy’s world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  Also had spinach pie and a slice of last night’s pizza.  Good.

Took a walk after dinner, it had cooled off enough that the walk was not uncomfortable.  Just reruns on 60 Minutes so we switched to Apple TV.  Watched an episode of Prime Suspect, Tennison and Murder in Paradise before turning in.  Turned the AC off at midnight.


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