Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Tuesday August 21, 2018

Tuesday August 21, 2018

Blog time 1145 at Panera

Boy did it rain last night.  Heavy downpours with thunder and lightning.  Sure sign Ms P is getting old.  She slept through the storms.

The rain had stopped when went out at 0700.  My weather app said that the rain will restart at 1100.  Will have to hustle to get my routine in before the rain.

Nancy headed out to her Tuesday swim and I soon followed.  Today I took my shorter, 5 miles, route to the Y.  I want to beat the rain.

Nancy and I are working the concert at the Gardens tonight.  The rain should have moved through by 1700.  I hope so, but will take a raincoat just in case.

Critters report:

Lately we have seen more animals in our back yard.  Yesterday it was deer and a fox.  This morning I saw several turkeys.  Of course we have plenty of geese.

Speaking of geese, today’s Alpena News had a article on a goose hunt in Alpena.  The City Council voted for the hunt.  Geese are a major health problem because they poop all over the place.  Cascade Township where we live should consider a hunt.  The sidewalks in our area are covered with droppings.  A dead goose is a good goose.

The trials and investigations of folks linked to the President still dominates the news.  If the Dems win control of the house then impeachment talks will dominates.  

I spent the afternoon clearing my in basket.  My next project is to find out if switching internet companies is good for Bob and Nancy.

We left home at 1630 for Meijer’s Garden.  Nancy and I worked the concert tonight.  Nancy sold tickets and I took them.  We lucked out no rain.  The Tuesday Concerts features local talent.  Unlike last week, tonight’s talent was not very good.  We left early.

We watched a 30 minute Netflix show before turning in.  A cool wave is moving in.  Temps predicted to be in low 50s tonight.

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