Monday, August 27, 2018

Sunday August 26, 2018

Weekend Update for 25/26 August 

Blog time 1545 sitting a dining room table

Boy! we had some heavy thunder showers roll last night.  Slept in until nearly 0800.  It was still raining at 0800.

Because of the rain we drove to Panera.  Had our normal Saturday morning breakfast.

At home Nancy started the laundry and I ran several errands.  The rain had stopped at 1100 so I took a short bike ride around the block.  

Shower and a quick lunch and then we grabbed Ms P and headed to Vet.  The Vet said that seizures are not uncommon for dogs.  We were told of several anti seizure medicines that are available but they come with bad side effects.  We decided on a wait and see option.

Last night was the first night of high school football.  Alpena High for the first time in ages won their first game.

I remember the first game of the 1955 season.  I was a senior and played guard and linebacker.  Our opponent was the Collegiate Institute of Soo Ontario.  We left Alpena about 0500.  No Mackinaw Bridge in 1955 so we took a ferry across the straits.  When we got to American Soo we had to take another ferry across the St Mary’s River.  It was an afternoon game.  I got to play the whole game.  We won.  Happy return trip.

We had chicken noodle soup for dinner.  Perfect meal for a gloomy day.  Debbie FaceTimed us tonight.  We watched a show on Prime before turning in.

Sunday August 26, 2018

It was warm and muggy when first went out today.  Temps might reach 90 today.  Following our summer schedule we took our Sunday walk around the block, 1.5 miles.  

I had breakfast and read a few sections of the GRP before heading to Trinity Lutheran for the 0915 Celebration service.  Good crowd this morning.  I was surprised when Pastor Bob mentioned the troubles in the Catholic in his Homily.

After church we headed to Meijer’s for supplies and gas.  Gas this week has gone up $0.10 to $2.94.

At home did some calisthenics and stretches.  Read a few more sections of the GRP before lunch.  The morning news shows all had tributes to Captain  John McCain, USN.  Rest In Peace Captain.

Took my afternoon nap.  Finished the afternoon with a short bike ride.  I needed a shower after the ride.  It was hot and very humid all day.  Turned on the AC and left is on until 0300 Monday 

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  I had mine with a piece of spinach pie.  

Finished reading the GRP before switching to Prime TV.  We watched an episode of Endeavour before turning in.

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