Monday, August 20, 2018

Sunday August 19, 2018

Weekend Update

Saturday August 18, 2018

Blog time 1445 sitting at dining room table.

Today we have a different Saturday schedule.  I have to work at Trinity Lutheran today starting at 0900 so no walk to Panera.  It was warm and cloudy when Nancy and I drove to Panera.

Panera was nearly empty.  We had our normal Saturday fare.  Talked and enjoyed breakfast before I had to head out.  I am driving to church and Nancy is walking home.

We had about nine church members helping to move furniture.  One of the workers was Keith Golhke. Keith is from Alpena.  Keith graduated from AHS in 73 vs 56 for yours truly.  There are many Golhkes in Alpena.  We completed our assigned task in just about an hour.

Nancy did laundry this morning.  She also took a short break to visit an Estate Sale.  

When I got home I put on my bike riding clothes and headed out on a 12 mile ride.  Great day for a ride.  I did not see any critters on my ride but earlier I saw two Sand Hill Cranes.  They are a magnificent bird.

At home had lunch and then a shower.  After I finish this sentence I will take a nap.  Tonight Nancy and I are meeting the Horling’s, Hal and Karen, at Marco’s for dinner.  Stay tuned. 

We arrived at Marco’s at 1800 and we were glad we had reservations because the place was full.  I don’t think there was anyone younger than 65.

Marco’s has great food and tonight was no exception.  We spent two hours drinking, eating and conversing with the Horlings.  A great evening.

We headed to bed as soon as we got home.  We both have good books we are reading.

Sunday August 19, 2018

Alarm goes off at 0615. It was warm, dark and foggy when I first went out.  Needed a flashlight.  We took our Sunday walk around the block.  Today we went counter clockwise.  It is exactly 1.5 miles.

Nancy showered, I had breakfast and at 0845 we headed to Trinity Lutheran.  On our way we saw two sand hill cranes in a field near our condo.

Good crowd at today’s service.  After, we headed to Meijer’s for groceries and gas.  Gas was $2.84 today.

I did do some stretches and reduced calisthenics when we got home.  Took Ms P on a short walk in the backyard.  We saw the resident fox.  I think he hunts moles.  Most folks can’t believe that we have sand hill cranes, foxes, turkeys, geese and deer living in our backyard.  We live two blocks from 28th Street one of the busiest streets in MI.

Quick lunch and read several sections of the GRP before my nap.  I was going on a bike ride after the nap.  But Nancy said our internet was out.  Usually I just unplug the modem and then replug it and our service is restored.  Not today.

I spent a two hours talking to an AT&T tech trying to get the internet working.  She finally said it was our modem and hung up. Nothing is more frustrating than calling tech support.  Finally, I called my computer guru for help. No answer yet!

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  I had mine with spinach pie and watermelon. 

After dishes I took my walk and then prepared cheese and apple snack.  With no internet we watched 60 Minutes and read the GRP.  Nancy sat in the living room and read her book.  I watched a movie on TNT.  

For the first time in ages we were both in bed before 2130.   We read our books.  Yes folks the printed page.  What a novel concept.

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