Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Tuesday August 28, 2018

Tuesday August 28, 2018

Blog time 0930 at Panera

Another night of thunder storms and heavy rain.  The warm humid weather will continue through today.  

Nancy headed out early for her Tuesday swim.  She was apprehensive because the pool closes during electrical storms.  She was in luck, the pool was reopened right after she arrived.

I have a 1030 Doctors appointment so no Y today.  I did the calisthenics and stretches at home.  Showered and then drove to Panera for an oatmeal breakfast.

Doctor Santos checked me over and said see you in six months.  I liked that.

Morning doctor visit and this afternoon I volunteered do some painting at church.  This evening Nancy and I are working the Tuesday concert at the Gardens.  Busy day!

This and that:

Great to hear we have reached a trade agreement with Mexico.  I hope Canada follows soon.  Never a good idea to be on the outs with our neighbors.

Neither of my Grandmothers drove a car.  

We put up trade barriers that impact farmers.  So our brilliant minds in DC will pay the farmers for their loss.  Does this make sense?

I can’t name one player on the Detroit Tigers.

Left Doctors at 1130.  Shower, quick lunch and then head to Trinity Lutheran.  Today I taped and put a prime coat on two walls of the Sunday School room.  Left at 1500.

At home Nancy told me the Direct TV repair man had not arrived.  We had to call and reschedule for tomorrow.  No TV tonight.  

I again showered and at 1600 we left for Meijer Gardens.   A chicken sold tickets and I took tickets from 1700 to 1900 when the concert started.  For dinner I bought two hot dogs and a beer.  I did not get a chance to sit down because the concert was canceled because of approaching electrical storms.  Picked up our chairs and headed to the car.   I was disappointed that Security would not let me leave the grounds with my beer.  I had to toss a nearly full beer.  Bummer!

We encountered heavy rain with thunder and lightning on our way home.  I poured a glass of wine and watched an episode of Endeavour before heading to bed.

We turned the AC on before bed to reduce the temperature and humidity in the house.  I left it on until 0200.

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