Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Monday August 27, 2018

Monday August 27, 2018


Today is the birthday of my child bride of 53 years.  She is not only the love of my life but my best friend.  

Last night we had Rice Krispies evening, Snap, Crackle and Pop.  The thunder and lightning really upset Ms P.  I think this was the loudest storm of the year.  I know a weatherman who is a regular at the Y.  He said that his rain gauge had 1.3” of rain.

Early Nancy headed to MVP for her healthy lifestyle class.  After breakfast I took my 7.7 mile route to the Y.  

Busy day today.  I have to take my bike to Ada Bike at noon.  I have volunteered at church to do some painting so I am meeting Nicky Ferguson at 1330 to get my assignment.

A sure sign that the seasons are changing.  Acorns and walnuts are falling.  The bike path is loaded with nuts, the eating kind.

Quick lunch and then I head to Trinity Lutheran to get my work assignment.  The church is undergoing a massive renovation.  Noise and dust everywhere.  It was hot, 89, and humid and Trinity had no AC.  

My job is to put the prime paint coat on the Sunday School room.  I spent an hour sanding.  Painting starts tomorrow.

At home took my second shower followed by a short nap.  Light dinner tonight.

Our Direct TV went out so I spent about an 90 minutes on hold only to find out that they cannot help.  A repairman is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.

Although no TV we still had WiFi so we turned on Apple TV.  Watched an episode of Endeavour.

All the kids and grandkids talked to Nancy today wishing her a Happy Birthday. 

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