Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Monday August 20, 2018

Monday August 20, 2018

Blog time 1120 at Panera

Tough night for Nancy.  She had an upset stomach and was up most of the night.   She finally fell asleep early this morning. No MVP today.

I expected to encounter a lot of traffic this morning because the Forest Hills Schools were starting today.  WRONG!  Forest Hills starts next week.

Summer school classes were still in session at the Y.  I like all the noise and energy these young folks bring.  It is catching.

From the morning news:

Asia Argento who accused Harvey Weinstein and is one of the original #MeToo leader has been found to have paid a 17 year old boy to keep quiet about her unwanted advances.  Maybe the problem is not gender but just loose morals.

When will the Mueller probe end.  I am so tired of all the coverage.  Got off the pot.

POTUS is wrong to roll back emission standards for coal plants.   If the coal industry cannot produce emissions that are equal to natural gas they should be shut down.

A measles outbreak in the EU because some folks are not getting their kids vaccinated.  Vaccinations should be required for admission to schools.  No shot, no school.

China and USA are starting trade talks.  Nobody wins in a trade war.

After lunch I started running errands.  Stopped at Meijer’s for wine and crackers then I headed to the Breton Car Wash.  I got the deluxe wash, interior and exterior.  At Sam’s Club purchased Pinconning soft cheese and freshly baked baguettes.  

I took our modem that AT&T says is not working to Staples.  The tech looked at the unit and told me that it is obsolete. They no longer sell it.  Bummer.  

I had been calling my computer guru about our internet problems.  He finally got back to me and said he would be at our house in an hour.  As soon as I got home I plugged the old modem back in.  Guess what!  the internet started working.  

I called the guru back and said everything was ok.  He has recommended for several years that I switch to Comcast.  I think he has convinced me.  Will do some research tomorrow.

Light dinner, short walk and snacks before switching on our Apple TV.  Great to have internet back.  We watched two episodes of “Prime Suspect: Tennison” before turning in.

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