Friday, August 3, 2018

Thursday August 2, 2018

Thursday August 2, 2018

Blog time 1135 at Panera

We had thunder showers roll through last night.  At least that is what Nancy told me.  I slept through the storm.

Up at 0615 and when I took Ms P out the front yard sprinklers went off.  The sprinklers usually work only on MWF.  Grab the dog and take her outside through the downstairs slider.  The backyard sprinklers go off before the front yard sprinklers start.  It would be more convenient if the cycle was reversed but who listens.

Thursday so Nancy is swimming and after breakfast I head to the Y.  I just start my ride when it starts to rain.  My weather apps said no rain today but it is summer and who can predict these localized storms.  It rained for about 5’ and then the sun came out.  Fifteen minutes later another short shower followed by sun.  

Quick stop at Y for calisthenics and then I head home for a shower and dry clothes.  After headed to Panera.  

California fires, Michigan primaries, Manafort trial, Urban Meyer’s and POTUS’s tweets dominates the news.  

On the Urban Meyer’s suspension I think Ohio State was wrong.  My opinion might be generational.  Enough said!

After lunch I ran some errands.  Stopped at Meijer’s to pick up my MG meds.  Next stopped at Home Depot.  I am in the process of building a kayak support that attaches to my trailer hitch.  I walked up and down nearly every row and found several items that I could use.  My next job is to stop at Bill and Pauls and take several measurements on the kayak I want to purchase.

Also stopped at Costco to purchase eye drops and AA batteries.  I was out of both items.

For dinner tonight we headed to Shepard’s Grill.  The place was crowded but we found an empty both.  Nancy had the Chicken Pot Pie soup.  She gave it an A.  I had a very good hamburger.

After my walk and our cheese and apple snack we turned on the Apple TV.  Watched an episode of Murder in Paradise.  A new season was just added by Netflix.  We love this show.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched Better Call Saul.  Mixed feelings on this show.

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