Saturday, March 31, 2018

Friday March 30, 2018

Friday March 30, 2018

Blog time 1020 at Panera

Good Friday, 2018, an important day for Christians.  

In my youth all the stores in Alpena would be closed from noon to 1500 on Good Friday.  Is this custom still followed in some businesses in the USA?

My Grandmother Scott always said you had to plant your peas on Good Friday.  So all you peapickers get out and plant.

The stock market is closed today as are some schools.  I fact, I think today might be the first day of spring break in the GR area.  During my school days our spring break consisted of Good Friday and Easter Monday.  Only two days off between New Years and Memorial Day.

In Ireland for the first time in 90 years Pubs are open on Good Friday.

Left Panera about 1115 and began my 10 mile bike ride.  Today for the first time this year I saw several wild turkeys.  Where have they been?  Do turkeys go south?

The temperature first thing this morning was 29 but had warmed up to high 30s when left Panera.  Pleasant conditions for a bike ride.

I was riding south on Thornapple Drive when a deer ran across my path followed by a large dog chasing her.  We have leash laws in Kent County and the owner of this dog should be jailed.

At home showered before lunch.  After lunch Nancy and I took Ms P on a short walk.

For dinner tonight we are going to Brann’s.  I will have their lobster bisque and Nancy a turkey sandwich.  We will go during Happy Hour so we can both have a half price drink.

Tonight will be an Netflix evening.  Believe it or not snow is predicted for the weekend.  Stop with the cold!

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